Monday, June 11, 2007

Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make me a MATCH!

It is 99.98% SURE that the birth mother matches
our little Mo!


Shouts for JOY are coming from the Lesko House!!!! Jeff is still at work and unreachable by phone, so YOU ARE GETTING THE SCOOP FIRST - don't y'all feel special? :-) He will be relieved. The end of the school year is especially difficult for those Middle School Principals - darn kids! :-) He will enjoy the news!

A lot of people were wondering why this news is so important. If she did not match, it would have been over for this adoption. It is always a concern that the children are being trafficked. We want to make sure (and so does the United States government) that the birth mother is voluntarily giving up her child. We would never want to wonder years from now that she did not have any choice.

We are to get photos from his doctors appointment this weekend *fingers crossed.* We also will get the photos of him with his birth mother from May 28th. Those will come by mail next week. I LIVE for those pictures!

Now for the long 60+ day wait for Pre-Approval (PA). Once we get that, we will be able to enter PGN (the Guat side of the process). That could take from 6 weeks - 4+ months. Keep up your prayers... something that you all are doing is working! A shout out to all of my blogging buddies, Jeff's work friends, our family on both sides (what would we do without your support?) and our friends far and near.

A buddy of mine made me laugh yesterday. She called asking anxiously if this was "picture week." I told her that yes, she should check the blog this weekend. She said, "You do realize that it takes a village to raise a child - and this village is checking the blog everyday!" I giggled, but I have thought a LOT about that comment today. It is SO comforting that this community looks out for one another. I truly feel that Jeff, Alli and I are supported and loved. I know that you all are pulling for us. I think some of you may be nearly and excited and anxious as we are! this little boy will be a celebrity when he comes home... Good Lord the first few trips to Giant Eagle will be FUN! :-)

By the way, Jeff, Al and I went shopping for cribs and bedding this weekend. We came home with lots of ideas, but no items! There is SO MUCH out there... 12 years has made a big difference in the industry! I have tortured Jeff and my mom, making them look at about 500 comforters online. I think that we have it narrowed it down to 5. Once we decide, I will post it! Shopping is fun for me - for Jeff, not so much! lol!


Anonymous said...

Yippeeee and's a match! Great news, Lesko family.

Continued thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. Can't wait until that adorable little boy is safe in your arms!

KimMI (Your mom's Hometalk buddy)

Anonymous said...

Great news! Thanks for explaining why it was so important. Before the DNA thing I wondered how they made sure these babies were part of something not so nice.

It's really wonderful how the whole family is looking for all of those little things that babies need. What an exciting time.

God is good, isn't he? Will keep praying1

Anonymous said...

well, we knew he was the PERFECT MATCH for you it's good to know that legally he's the perfect match as well ! anxious to see those pics and to see how much he's grown ! prayers will continue until that baby is snuggled safely into your arms :)

KimIndy (HT)

Janice said...

Jill..... It's a big Yahooo from another "part of the Village" who checks several times a day....

LOL - even though I'm always checking - seems God has it timed so I always see a good news post from your mom first !!!

LOL - be back in a few to look for those photos.... no pressure !!! lol


The Heinrichs said...

Jill - that's GREAT news!!! I can't wait to see new pics of him!

Jodie said...

congratulations on the match!! we are pretty much at the same timeline in the process...we just got our results & pic of the birth mother last week...the pic was so sad to see, but I'm glad Corynn will have it. I'll keep your family in my prayers. Come by my blog anytime :) or email me at

veggiemom said...

Congrats! DNA is such a relief. Now things can really move forward. Hope you have PA soon.
