Monday, June 25, 2007

We wish it was this easy!

Well, the wait is unbearable, something you will hear me post OVER and OVER again! It is hard to see his little face, but it is difficult NOT to see his little face. His thumbs up certainly helps. What a funny little man.

Jeff is still working out his time at his old job and tying up loose ends. As sad is he is to leave his old job, it is great to look forward to having him home for supper every so often. We sat down to do our schedule last night - from now until November. What a mess. This child potentially could come in December, sooner, later, who knows. I have no time. Currently,I am coaching the Junior Varsity girls - who one is just as sweet as the next (thank goodness). Thank goodness, too, that my BFF is also the coach! Friends always make things go better! Practice is 2 days a week. Games Saturday mornings (starting in August/Sept) with fundraising, ordering, etc thrown in all summer. I am advising the Youth girls. 60 of them... they are all cuties. We start the end of July with camp, then practice 2 days a week. Their games are Saturdays, too. Jeff is coaching a youth team with games on Saturdays - practice 3-4 days per week. He has to be at all home games for work. Alli's softball team has her playoffs this week (another thank goodness, although she loves it). I am just starting to feel the chest tighten a bit. I know that everyone is busy, so why does it seem like we are more than others? Is that true, or is it just because it is happening to us? Probably not. Busy is good. I love the kids, Jeff does too, keeps us involved and feeling young.. some days more than others. Now I come to understand how my parents felt. I never thought of it when it was me being shuffled from one activity to the next, but they were saints. Jeff was brought up the same way... parents coaching, in PTO, etc. We both were so fortunate, so we have to focus on the thought that someday, Alli and Mo will look back and think that we were great folks like we think of ours!

On a lighter note, we HAVE gone furniture shopping. I am impossible since I cannot make any decisions. I have asked too many people's opinions, so now I am even more confused. Do I go with the set that has the night stand... we will need it later. Do I go with the sleigh crib that I triple love, but then where do you tie the bumper pad, will Mario choke himself.. things that are already keeping me up at night. Too many choices... a good problem to have I guess. We have narrowed it down a bit.

I am off to get a shower - yes, it IS 2:30pm and I am still showerless. Alli has playoff practice tonight, so off we go. Now, do I force Jeff to eat concession food, or shall it be actual cooking for the Jillmeister? I am thinking that those fries at the field are soundin pretty tasty! :-)

Thanks for bearing with my daily more later!


Janice said...

Hi Jill.... So wonderful to "happen upon" here and find your "ramblings".....

"Thumbs Up" is most certainly a sustaining photo of your lil guy....

Hoping that your schedule makes the summer fly by (in a good way)...

Hey Listen - if you having problems on just how to spend your money in the nursery.... You have a gazillion cyber-aunts over at HomeTalk that would love to get involved... lol...

hugs - janice

Steve & Amy said...

Little Mario is so adorable! We love his comb over hair:) Thank you for keeping Zoila (Mia's FM) in your prayers. Love your blog and we are adding it to our favs:)

Gail said...

Love to read the ramblings. They are so common in the adoption world. I also love the "Thumbs Up". He is definately ready to come home.

Anonymous said...

How do you find time to shower at all, much less at 2:30om. I get tired just reading it!

I love the thumbs up. Even he has given his stamp of apporval and is ready to meet his mama and daddy and big sis.

And Janice is so right, we would love to help you spend your money!


Unknown said...

Hi, your little guy is so cute! I hope your process moves quickly!

take care,

Sig said...

Oh he is just precious!! The waitis unbearable, but in the end, I promise it will seem like a distant memory. Hope you sail through!!