Today, on Mario's 5 month birthday, we received the BEST NEWS EVER...
we got Pre-Approval!!!!!!
Woo Hooo! Can you hear me shouting from here? How about you in Louisiana - Texas - Virginia - Ohio? We are so happy!
What does this mean - for those non-Guatemamas & Papas? Once Pre-Approval is received, we enter into the Guatemalan side of the government called the PGN. This is like the Attorney General's office in the US. They REALLY review our case with a fine toothed comb. It could be 8 weeks or many months until we "get pink" or get out. We are hoping that things are fine in our case, and we receive NO Kick Outs (previos)! Many people get kicked out once or twice and have to start again... I hope that they already see that we were kicked out once (for not having PA) and take pity on us. This is the last and most unpredictable step. With increased scrutiny and some pretty bad things happening there, it is hard to be positive, but we are sure trying to stay optimistic!
Once we are released from PGN, we then wait approximately 4 weeks to travel. In this time, they do a second DNA test on the baby and do final paperwork.
Please PRAY PRAY PRAY for a quick stay in PGN. This is one more step home for Mo.
So, is it time to order our furniture and bedding? Advice on how soon to do this?
On a "daily happenings" note: we went for a short shopping trip for Alli for school. You know those darn Principals with their strict dress code *giggle giggle*... anywho, the man at the counter said to me - "oh, is she getting ready for school? What grade is she going into - 4th?" Alli is entering SEVENTH GRADE. I told him and his other clerk this, and they could not believe it. She is one tiny little chicka. What a cutie - still in a size 4 shoe - could not even shop in American Eagle or Aeropostle for shoes - boy, was she mad! lol. My little girl is growing up, though... she is on her first babysitting job tonight! Can she REALLY be that old???? No way!
So happy you have PA! Isn't it a RELIEF?! We just got into PGN and like you, we are hoping for a very short stay. I hope you are in PGN by next week! Good luck!
Oh, I am so happy you guys got PA!! It is about time!! :) Praying you fly through PGN and Mario is home in record time.
Finally some news!!! Hopefully you will have a short stay in PGN..this little boy needs to be home for the holidays!!!
OH HAPPY DAY!! It is about time the embassy FINALLY awards you with PA!! Now, join us in PGN and fly through. It's time to get that sweet boy HOME where he belongs!
Have a great weekend!
Oh My Goodness JILL !!! Congratulations..... Praying that your time flies quickly and you're our of PGN in record time....
Happy 5 month birthday lil guy!!! Looking forward to your next group of photos...
Mario Patrick.... we're all praying that you get to meet your mommy and daddy and big sis real soon !!!
Congratulations on getting your PA. I hope you have a record-short time in PGN.
Congrats on your PA!!! May your PGN stay be short and sweet...
We started our nursery when we entered PGN. WE have had one KO. Monday will be 8 weeks since our resubmit. I haven't felt that we started the nursery too soon. It actually kept me preoccupied I think.
I will be thinking positive thoughts right along with you! Did I read it right and it could happen in as little as a month! Oh wow, how great.
About Miss Alli. She may be tiny but she looks like a pretty young lady! I know what you mean about them growing so fast.
SUPER NEWS !!! One step forward sure beats three steps back !! Congrats on making it to this new stage of your journey to bring Mario home. Continued prayers for you and your family!
I just saw your news and had to stop and say how happy I am for y'all. Mario has so many people praying for him and your family. You are truly blessed Jill.
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