Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The most exclusive club...

We entered into PGN on August 31st!!!! That is a HUGE step in our case!!!!! I am so thrilled that nothing else can bother me right now!!!! This is awesome! Many, many, many WONDERFUL friends and family members have been asking - When? Why is he not home yet? What is taking so long? Believe me - I WISH we could give a date and say, well, don't ask me to do anything after such and such date because I will be home with my SON... but nooooooo, international adoption has the loosest timeline... it is the best estimated guess... this is how it works in my rough, rough idea:
We were submitted to PGN (the equivalent to the US Attorney General's office) on August 31st. They are the Guatemalan side of the process. A person who works there will review our documents CAREFULLY. They are the ones who give the final "thumbs up" for approval. If they do not like something in the documents (signature is not legible, it is signed in the wrong color, we are missing something) they can issue a previo - or kick us out. Then we would start the process again after we corrected the problem. Our lawyer would then send it back in for review. Most folks get issued at least one kick out - we have had one for not having pre-approval, remember?
The average stay in PGN is 8 weeks, but there are cases that get stuck there and do not get out for way longer. It is a rare case that gets through more quickly from what I understand. With elections and all of the problems there, things seem to be taking on the longer side.Once we get approval or the final decree or PINK, then Jeff can prepare flight plans, etc. The US Embassy will then give us final approval while dealing with Visa issues and such. That process takes about another 4 weeks to travel. If all goes well, maybe we will have a Christmas gift!!!!!!!!
We are SO HAPPY to move forward with this. Please pray for our son, his foster family and his birth mother and father. Please pray for the individuals reviewing our case that they are kind to us :-). Thanks so much for all of your support. I love the comments from the lurkers, bloggers, friends and family. It is so wonderful!!!!!


Bee said...

Yippee! What a Christmas it will be!

The Heinrichs said...

I am sooooooooooo excited for you guys!!! I am praying that things move forward very quickly and little Mario is home for the Holidays!

JuJu - said...


praying for you guys and your case!!!!

Janice said...

Jill, I'm so excited to see that you're finally in PGN....

I join you in continued prayers for Mario Patrick, his foster family and his birth parents...

Not to sound "corny".... but it definitely does "take a village of love" when an adopted child is involved....

God Bless everyone whose loving heart has or will somehow touch Mario's life....

Wishing all children (young and old) would be blessed with such loving hearts to surround them....


Gail said...

Yea!! A baby for Christmas! That would be wonderful.

barb said...

Sweet Mario would be the best Christmas gift ever.............for all of us. Continued good thoughts and prayers for y'all.

Anonymous said...

Jill, your post put tears in my eyes. Following your quest to bring Mario into your family has made sooooo feel a part of it all. My prayers are with you that all the paperwork will pass through the system quickly and Mario will be yours forever!


Anonymous said...

Jill, I am praying for your family to finally come together quickly. This is great news! What a glorious Christmas this will be! Mario is a doll and will fit perfectly in your beautiful family. God bless you!
I have been reading along on your journey. I am a friend of your lovely mom's.


Sweet To Our Seoul said...

YEA!!!!!!!!!! You guys are in!! One step closer to bringing that sweet sweet baby home!!


kidsinthecastle said...

We're INNNNNNN, we're INNNNNNNN!!!!!! Sumbunny lock the durn door so we can't get back out..... :-]

Made it past another hurdle, jumped through another hoop, crossed another creek. . . . girlie by the time you get your hands on your baby, you're gonna sit down in your rocker with him and rock, and rock, and rock, and rock.

And rock, and rock, and rock.

And then rock some more.

;- )

Stacie said...

We are so happy you guys are finally in PGN! You are one your way to bringing home that sweet boy. We are praying that you have a FAST trip through and approved in no time! As a fellow "PGN before PA" kicked-outer, I pray that is BOTH of our only ones!

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

WHOOO HOOOO !! We're IN so far there's no turning back ....just like little Mario is in your hearts and all of ours as well....Congrats on the great news!! and I thought waiting for Christmas was hard when I was a kid's gonna be even harder now :)

KimIndy (HT)

Anonymous said...

Jill, I am so excited that youre in PGN now. This is great news.

God Bless You All and I will be praying that little Mario will finally get home very soon:)

Magnolialady at Home Talk

Rose said...

Whooo hooooo! congrats!!

jajbs said...

So happy for you. I will be rpaying DAILY for a quick out with NO previos!

