We feel like the Murphy's Law family. We just laugh when ordinary things go wrong here. This has been a Murphy's Law week peppered with many blessings along the way! I thought that you could use a giggle at our expense.
First, we decide to move around the furniture in the nursery. We had it as an office, so all officey things had to go - upon my strict orders! :-) Filing cabinet in closet - check! Old computer desk in storage - check! Television in brand new tv amoire - NO CHECK! It did not fit!!!!!!!! We were laughing so hard kind of saying it is par for the course considering no home improvement related thing ever goes right for us. It takes us forever to do the simplest things. We had a conversation with good friends of ours the other day. He was saying how he wished he had Jeff's college education. Oh, please. When your car breaks down, or the hot water heater is on the fritz - or your tv just doesn't fit in the armoire, our college education would soon be traded for the day if we had our friend's skills! He can fix anything! Ahhh. Funny how the grass is always greener! I married Jeff for his looks, wit, brains and charm, not his ability to do home projects. LOL!
Anyway, I refuse to "cut" out the back of this piece of beautiful furniture. The nursery furniture is the only thing that Jeff and I have ever bought. The rest of the house is hand me down stuff. We love hand me downs, but if I spent $ on something, there is no way I am taking a jigsaw to it. We have a jigsaw mind you, but it has yet to be used by our well-educated, but not so handy hands! :-) We decide - well, Jeff decides that we need a new tv. flat screen. HD. Ooooooh. I can just see it now, Jeff with Mo on lap hunkered down in the rocker recliner watching endless hours of football asking his famous question, "Jill, are your thirsty?" Which translates, "Can you get me a drink?" lol! So new tv it is.
The next day, we are transferring the computer (which is so old that I seriously can hear the hamsters running in the wheel inside of it!) to the new computer armoire. Jeff upon attempting to put the hard drive in the opening, he says with a smirk, "watch this not fit in here, too." NOT FUNNY. The thing did NOT fit! seriously. Do we not measure? Nooooo. That would be logical. I bet our friend, "the handy guy" measures, but us, Noooooo. We end up putting it on the other side, removing all of the pencil holder things that stick out so the doors will close. Ugh.
Well, we get the computer all in after having to unhook and re-hook everything back up, and we go to use the phone - NO PHONE. Our phone, cable, internet, all through the same cable company, and we somehow knocked it out. That lasted for many hours with Jeff whipping the one portable phone across the room and muttering some words under his breath while I talked to Josh the techie guy on the phone. Josh was less than helpful which made Jeff more mad. Jeff ended up fixing it by himself questioning, "why can't anything just be easy?"
Last night, we set out to put together the crib. To our shock, there was really not a problem. Jeff was so relieved that he was able to put it together without having to swear or throw anything across the room. Thank goodness. The kid has a place to sleep.
Our last bit of news is a change to our original plan. Jeff will NOT be going to Guatemala. Maybe someday, but not for the pick up trip. We are having someone from our agency escort Mario home. There are various reasons for this, but no matter what the reasons, we have to make peace with our decision. It will add a bit of time on, but it is something that was weighing heavily on our hearts. We are happy and feel much better about this decision. We will keep you all posted on the process.
Thanks for your prayers!
Tips for the best relationships
6 months ago
Somebody needs to choke Murphy! His law is all the time causing trouble for nice people like you and me.
But what stories you can tell Mario one day. And then he will be able to laugh and laugh with you!
I can relate...Chuck's idea of fixing the broken light in my laundry room was to put a lamp in there...LOL!!!
Maybe Jeff and Chuck are related somehow!!
Cherrie's comment is too funny..I actually laughed out loud!!
We just got a 42" TV..and lets just say...I don't have to worry if I can't find anyone..they're all watching tv...Larry was SOOSOSOSO excited towatch football on his new toy.. Got luck!!!
We got one of those stands where the tv attaches to the top...no trying to fit it in anywhere :)
Just want you to know that "the handy guy" got a huge laugh out of your post!!!!!!! He was laughing so hard at picture Jeff, mild mannered Principle Lesko, swearing and toss the phone that he almost fell over laughing so hard. Thanks for the giggle!!
Opps, I mean Principal Lesko!!!
You two are too funny! Brent is mister fix it so if you ever need help- give him a call...he's a teach but a wood shop teacher...(does that really count???). Well we are planning a trip to see our little princess in December...if there is anyway we could bring Mario home we would gladly do it!!!
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