Here is what you have all been waiting for.. the pictures. It is just so much harder to get on this computer now - I wonder why! :-) The little man is doing well. You will see in the photos that he has a terrible rash all over his face. Poor Mo! He went to the pediatrician today to find out it is an allergic reaction. I swear he is not allergic to us - he came here with it! lol! I will tell the long homecoming story later when I have more sleep, in the meantime, enjoy our little guy. We are settling in with very little sleep. He is doing better than we expected despite the terrible rash! Thank you to ALL who have visited the blog, lurkers, commenters, friends, community members, and of course, our great family near and far. We love you and are glad that you are a part of our lives! Now on with the pics!!!!!!!!!!
the first siting as they get walked off of the plane.. he was waving at us!!!!! Okay, his hand was up, but I swear he was waving!

Mo checking out his daddy!

Our WONDERFUL escort, Mayana. She is a doll - and pretty, too!
Alli seeing her brother for the first time - she could not go to the gate with Jeff and I.
Below, Parents of Riley Zach and Josh, my sister-in-law Vicki and brother Jack
My dad, Pappy, with Mo
My mom and her grandson - Nanny
Jeff's parents

Mo in the stroller ready to go HOME

We come home to a great sign and homecoming gift for Alli and Mario

Checking out the new room!
How sweet it is to see you ALL together!!!
Truly Blessed!!
Congratulations. Enjoy getting to know each other.
The Lynerd 4
So adorable!!!
Thank you so much for taking the time to post the pictures. I agree, he was waving at you!
He's such a gorgeous boy! And, a lucky one to be a part of such a loving family.
I'm so glad he is safe now.
All smiles here,
i have been visiting your blog for a while and i am so very happy that Mo is home! you guys have gotten the best christmas present ever!!!!!!!!
HOW cute!!!!! Cerah had a rash like that and her dr said to use a little hydrocortizone (sp) and it should help.
You guys all look soooo happy!!!
Thanks for sharing. I know it's busy around there now..:)
Love the room...
He is a doll baby!!! I love the pic of his daddy looking at him the the stroller. You can see the love in his eyes. ENJOY!!!!!!
What a beautiful family. The pictures of Ali and your dad with Mario brought tears to my eyes. I'm so happyfor y'all.
AWWWWWWWWW! He is beautiful!!! welcome home sweet boy!!
What a beautiful family!
I could just cry!!! I am so happy for you guys!
Together Forever!!!! I just LOVE it!!! You all look so happy!!! And I know Big sister is sooo proud!!!
Look at all of you so happy....I just couldn't be happier for anyone. Finally together as a real family. Your Christmas photos will be priceless. What joy you have given this child...bless you all.
I am so happy for the Lesko Family. All four of them!! I love the picture of Mario waving to his parents.
YEAAA!!!! Congrats to all of you Jill! Alli looks so happy and I, too love the photo with Pap and Mario. And I agree that Mo is waving! :) Love to All - Sha
Sorry to put it this way... but Holy Shit! The last post I read you were going to take a small break from posting everyday... so I waited a few days before checking out your blog. What a PLEASANT surprise to see Mario home. I had no idea... and now I feel so bad!
Congratulations to you and your beautiful new family. What a blessing!
PS: I love all the pictures.
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