DNA IS ON ITS WAY!!!!!! Our 2nd DNA was tested today. It was a match and is on its way to the Embassy in Guatemala City!!!!! Woo Hoo!
The Fed Ex site says:
Estimated delivery
Nov 13, 2007 by 6:00 PM
Cool! Most folks at this point would be then "waiting for pink" which would be next week for most - meaning they would be traveling for pick up. Congrats to all of my blogging buddies who are at this point!
With us it is a bit different. Our DNA will get there, but we will have to wait for the Visa 39 cable. Pgh CIS said 4-6 weeks.... that would be from 11/8 since that is when they received our stuff. Once they approve it, it goes to the National Visa Center THEN to Guatemala for the Escort to travel. Our time is a little more undetermined due to the escort. It should be by Christmas though - we hope, we pray, we have everything crossed, we are wishing on stars and eye lashes!
Alli and I were talking about Mario yesterday, and she said, "So when he is shipped..." I said, "No, ESCORTED, not shipped!" Funny Kids!
On another great note, the room is FINISHED. My busy little worker bee (Jeff) worked all weekend to help me hang border, blinds, valances, etc. All that while watching his Brownies lose to the Steelers, lol! I will post photos when I feel it is complete (still need to pick up a night stand).
We are anxious. We are ready. We just want him HOME HOME HOME!!!!!
Tips for the best relationships
6 months ago
AWESOME NEWS!!!! Do you want Dynagrind's Fed Ex number so we could overnight Mario for you?? LOL
I pay the bills, Mark would never have to know!!! I am going to the
Community Thanksgiving Service next Wednesday at Emory Chapel and I will ask for prayers like I did during Lent...you know...church ladies have special connections!!
Love you guys,
YAYAYAYYAYAAYAY so happy..... I can't wait to see him at home!!!!!!!!! HURRY
Are you gonna put pics of room up?? YOU BETTER!!!
It is getting so close. I just love what Allie said. Guess she is just tired of waiting.
Hang in there Allie!!
I am so excited for YOU GUYS!
With every new blog you write, the closer that you get to having him home, the more excited I get for your family. What awesome news!
Prayers to your family...
Linda H.
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