He is still covered in the Pox.
After all (2 doctors and PA and a nurse) took a peek at his "mystery disease" the doc said they would have to do a biopsy. I thought, biopsy, good, no harm there, just like the scrapings that they took last week, right? Nope. They led us back to an outpatient surgical room where I had to hold my son on my lap while he was injected with a local, pieces of his arm were sliced and 2 stitches were given. My poor baby has stitches!
After they did that, they gave us a slip for more blood work which we were told to rush to the hospital to get, so they would come back quickly. Mario was so not happy.
We walked into the waiting room where on the wall it says, "if your child has been exposed or has chicken pox, please inform the receptionist." Okay, this MAY be chicken pox, although unlikely due to the duration, but being the good person I am, I told the receptionist. You would have thought that I told her that there was a bomb in the waiting room the way they freaked out. They whisked us back to a room in the back corner of the facility and shut the door all the while admonishing me that I "could NOT have that CHILD in the waiting room!" "what if there was a CANCER patient in there? That could KILL them, you know?" No, lady, I had NO idea. I was so upset. I then had to go BACK out into the waiting room to register him in front of the glaring parents. I finally snapped at the woman and told her that we needed the blood work and waited to get it done until this week, so if it WAS chicken pox, he would not be contagious anymore. I said, "where would you like us to GO for blood work exactly?"
After all was said and done, 2 sticks and 5 viles of blood later, me, my screaming child and tired hubby were then pushed out the back door to the parking lot. Boy, was I glad to get out of there!
So, we will find out HOPEFULLY what this is exactly. They added a cream to the repertoire. Other than that, we still cannot have anyone hold him or come into the home. It is so strange that my mom and dad live a half mile from here, and have not seen him since the airport. Poor parents!!!!!!! Keep praying for our little guy who is making great progress here - he is babbling a lot, almost crawling, reaching for Jeff and I occasionally and is making friends with the dog. He is so happy, and really, so are we. I sit here often and just say to Jeff - I can't believe he is SITTING right there. It is almost as if he was living in the computer and came to life! Weird. I just wish we could take him out and about so everyone else can see what a great kid he is!!!!
Here are long-awaited photos of the rashy boy. I was reluctant to post them, but oh, well. Here he is... still a cutie patootie if I do say so myself!

Hi Jill, I haven't posted for a while but have checked almost daily to see your progress. WHen your mom shared with me that he would be arriving that next day, I could've cried right along with all of you. Mario is just the most beautiful little boy, and your new pics (rash and all) are adorable.
Sure hope the docs can find an answer quickly so he can get cleared up and you can all have company again.
Take care.
Nancy in ME
What a cutie, rash and all! Geez, I would want to KILL those beeatches at the clinic. So sorry for you.
Aw, poor Mario. I can only imagine how frustrating this is for all of you. My husbands grandmother had a disease that was so uncommon here that it took a nurse from the Phillipines to identify the malady. After all they've put the little guy through I hope they will find the cause of his rash quickly. Poor little guy. I know how much you love him and how hard this is on all of you.
My heart is with you.
Ohhhh poor momma and baby! He's so cute even with his rash. Beautiful eyes!! I'll check back.......
Ohhhh poor momma and baby! He's so cute even with his rash. Beautiful eyes!! I'll check back.......
Precious baby!!! THose eyes are amazing. I hope they give you some answers soon! Hang in there...
I think Mario is adorable even with the spots. I do hope you find out what this is so it can be treated properly.
I can only imagine how hard this is for you Jill! The new mama wants to show her baby off... and you're still stuck at home. Well show him off here!
Mario's absolutely adorable. He has the most mesmerizing eyes. He looks much bigger in the pictures you posted today... I expected him to be smaller.
I hope to see more pictures... rash and all.
PS: Good for you for "giving it to them" at the hospital. How Rude... they need some additional training in patient relations. I hope you write a complaint to the hospital.
Hi Jill.... Oh my - I still can't believe he's right there at HOME with all of you....
Mario is sooo adorable - and looks just as happy as ever.... In fact, I think even happier.
Praying that you'll get those much awaited answers to his "rash"...
Wish I could reach into the computer and kiss those adorable cheeks....
hugs - janice
He IS a cutie-patootie, rash and all. I love that last picture.
That behaviour from hospital staff is unacceptable. They are taught how to handle situations like that and she should have known better. Makes me so mad I want to come up there and smack her!
He is still a cute-e with his rash! I hope they find out what it is soon!!! Other than the rash he seems to be very happy!
As for us, we are busy packing...9 more days and we meet our baby girl!!!
Poor little Mo! I hate he is having to go through so much, but I hope they get to the bottom of it fast! He needs to get out and I am sure you are ready to pull your hair out. His smile just makes you forget though! So SWEET!
Keep us updated!
I love him! And every single one of his spots too!
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