Today was a good day. We took Mario and the dog for a ride to run errands. Mo was not allowed out of the car, so one of us would run in (bank, post office, etc.) and the other would drive around the block. This is our excitement... and seriously, I WAS excited. I am a bit stir crazy with this quarantine that we have had imposed upon us, but we are doing okay.
I never did tell you about this child's hair. Well, you have seen photos of him each moth and this Donald Trump thing he had going on. This was what I was expecting when he exited the plane. Well, not so. He was "with hat." The escort said, 'you will have to do something with his hair', which we thought meant - he has this crazy long hair that will need to be brushed... that was until she removed the hat to reveal..... THE WORST HAIRCUT EVER!!! She said that they (not sure who they are) told the foster mom to CUT his hair off in the back before he come to us. This sweet woman must have gone nutty with CLIPPERS!!!! She shaved the back only half way up... his sideburns were shaven... there was a patch in the middle of the back of his head and ....
WE THINK HIS EYEBROWS WERE SHAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (not sure why?)
Oh, my horror! It is so funny! The best is that the rest of it was NOT cut. So, the long crazy top parts were still there. Since he has had his rash, I have tried to resist the urge to mess with it too much, but today, after the Aveeno bath, I HAD to try to even it out. It still is a bit weird, but it is WAAAAY better than it was! YIKES! He kept looking like Animal from the Muppets!!!!! Tooo funny! I think that he will be "with hat" for a while longer until it all grows in.
This child it very happy so far. He has to get medicine 3 times a day plus he has to be covered in 2 very greasy creams 2 times a day. He doesn't seem to mind, poor boy!
We will let you know what the dermatologist says on Monday. Hopefully, we will be allowed out of the house!!!!!
Thanks for all who have called, emailed, and sent cards and gifts! We really have the BEST friends and family that anyone can ask for!!!! We are blessed!!!!!!!
Tips for the best relationships
7 months ago
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! What were they thinking!!!! Poor baby!!!
I'm glad you go tot get out...well sort of :)
I hope all goes well at the Dr... hopefully he's ok and doesn't have chicken pox!!!
I can sympathize with you going stir-crazy. I'm not very good at staying home. Hopefully you'll find out today that you can be out and about again.
Post a picture of Mario and his hair... please. He is such a cutie that I doubt even with the crazy haircut it makes much difference.
Have a great day. -Jenny
So what was the diagnosis???? I'm dying here!
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