A few days before Christmas folks, are you ready? We are finished, I think. The only thing that we did not do on purpose was send out Christmas cards... we will do that once this rash clears up. Yes, they will be New Year's cards, but aren't we all let down after the cards, and people, and gifts stop coming... see, I planned it all this way, so everyone will be excited to see my 2 beauties after Christmas *snicker snicker*
Alli is at a friends house today since they had an early dismissal from school. Jeff is at the work Christmas party. Mo and I are holding down the fort!
The doctor told us that all of the tests came back great for Mario. His blood work, etc, was all fine. The biopsy is a mystery. They THINK that it was a reaction to a bug bite that he somehow brought with him to the US. They need to investigate with the Guat doctors before any final diagnosis is done. They are trying several medications to clear it up, and we are to see the derm again on the 2nd. He gets the stitches out on Monday. He is really not getting better. Sometimes it looks a bit lighter, but then he scratches, and it gets red again.
She told us that as long as no one is here or holding him, he should not pass it to anyone. She is convinced that if he was really contagious, we would have had it by now, but she does not want to tell us to go ahead and let everyone hold him and such and be wrong. Everyone these days is so "sue happy" that I am sure that has something to do with it. Jeff, Alli and I are being treated with Mario, so we should not get anything either. She said that we could go out, but thought that anyone coming into our house may be risky.
So, basically, we still know nothing *sigh, shake head*
I can say that there are a lot of things that I had to RE-learn this time around with Mo. A lot has stayed the same, a lot has changed, but there is a lot that I forgot since having Alli. This time it is easier in some ways, and harder in others.
It is easier because I have Jeff. My parents were wonderful with Alli, but having a husband is nice. Really nice. It would be hard to do this alone. I so give those of you doing that a LOT of credit. I sort of did it alone last time, but really, my parent were a HUUUUUUUGE help. I always felt so guilty relying on them, although they never made me feel that way. There is no guilt relying on Jeff.
It is harder because I am not 20 years old this time (I know that you all are saying, "WHAT, she is NOT 20 years old??!??? Sorry to disappoint you, folks, I am NOT 20.. I am 25. Just kiddin!). Wow, what a difference those years make. I am slower to climb those steps and am thinking that a ranch house would have been a better option when building!
It is easier because I am not 20 years old this time. I don't feel like I am missing anything. I have no need to "go out" with friends. I am too pooped to think of running around too much! I am more patient and calm - more centered. I am also not as fussy with the little things regarding child-rearing.. like which bottles to get, etc. I just feed him. I swear the first time, I read every book, but this time, I am just going with the flow a bit more. I know that some close relatives are reading this thinking, thank goodness :-)
I do not remember Alli being so "spazzy" when she ate. This little one constantly has his hands and legs going. He lays on the floor and his hands are constantly looking like he is screwing in light bulbs! What is that?
Oh, and how does TWICE the amount of food come OUT of his mouth when only a small amount went IN? What a mess. He thinks that it is hilarious to blow raspberries while eating the disgusting baby food, rice cereal, formula mixture... me, not so much.
Why is it that baby food does not really SMELL like what the real product does? Those bananas, which he loves by the way, SMELL nothing like an actual banana. I am not a banana fan, but I seriously GAG when feeding him that stuff.
Why is it so hysterical to me when this child is going to the bathroom? I KNOW that I have to change it, but when his face is all red while in the excersaucer, and he is 'holding on" to brace himself, I am laughing out loud!
Why is it that there are a million toys in this house, and my child will crawl over and LICK the couch, play with cords and torture the dog?
He is a funny little guy, and we are SO enjoying him! He makes us laugh all day. I am happy that we are able to be out and about a little bit now. Watch out world, Mo is coming!!!!!!!!!!
Tips for the best relationships
7 months ago
I laughed thru your whole blog today. You are a good writer! Thanks for making me laugh. Kathy (Cameo's Mom)
OMG, mom just came over to tell me to read your blog and I'm dyin' here!!!! I HATE the smell of those icky bananas and V eats them up! Gross! Oh man, I can relate to so much of what you wrote. I'm sooooo glad my sister had the first kid because I'm more laid back BECAUSE of her. I swear up and down had I had the first grandchild, I would have been a raging, controlling bitch! Oh Jill, thanks for the laugh!
I can't wait to see Mario out and about at Giant Eagle (buying more of those yummy bananas!!)
Linda H.
Hey Jill!
I was talking with another adoptive family on the way to the hotel and told them about Mario...they too said it is from a bug bite in Guatemala...they said it is common!!!
Girl you are tooo funny!!! I knew I liked you for a reason...:)
I hope cutie man gets better ... I mailed out cards for Christmas but I think next year I'm gonna do new years... I LOVE getting cards and it does SUCK when all the cards stop coming...:)
Have a great weekend and hope you all have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
OH YEAH.... what do you mean your not 20!!! HAHAHA
just stopping by to wish your precious family a peaceful holiday and a beautiful new year..........give Mo & Alli a hug for me
you crack me up!!! rose
Rash or not - he is still a cutie! Hope your Christmas was a great one Jill!! Hugs to all - Sharon
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