Alli's nails after we got them done!

I took her to get her hair done before, also! She looks so grown up! Jeff is SO not ready for this yet... he keeps saying that HE is not old enough for this! lol! (taken at our house since we STILL can't take that baby out!)

Still rashy, but cute! :-)

Boy, they had fun!
On the Mario front... well, good news and bad news... good news is that the blood work came back all GREAT! Bad news is, we will not find out until MONDAY or TUESDAY what in the world this is. They said that the biopsy showed it was nothing malignant, but we did not suspect it was. We will get the remainder of the results *fingers crossed* next week.
In the meantime, he is still fine, happy, crawling now! He has a tooth that poked through on the top, and we have been feeding him baby food, finally. The doctor wanted us to wait to make sure that this was not food related, but they ruled that out.
Other than being tired of being cooped up, all is great here! I would love to say, come visit, but still not allowed yet! Ahhhh!
What a grown up girl you have on your hands, and a very beautiful one! Poor Mario.
She doesn't need to grow - she's perfect just like she is, very pretty. Poor Jeff. Love that picture of your mom and dad, too.
Sweet heavens above, she keeps getting more beautiful all the time! Alli is just gorgeous! Did she chew the rinestones off her nails yet? I could never keep them on more than 24 hrs.
I hope they give you a magic cream for Mario on Monday and his rash will make a rapid exit.
hugs, paperdahl
Alli is absolutely beautiful! I can understand why Jeff is not ready!!! And Mario - I love the little hat - such a cutie!
I do believe "they're" going to have to come up with a word beyond beautiful to fully describe Alli... She is absolutely breathtaking !!!
Love the photo of Alli with you mom & dad...
LOVED her coursage - it matched her dress perfectly.....
Best thing is that she had a good time.
Alli sure is a wonderful and beautiful big sis to adorable Mario!!!
#1- I love Low by Flo Rider song! It's perfect for the pictures of Ali. Super fun and danceable!
#2- I have to get my nails done like that. Gorgeous!
#3- Ali is absolutely beautiful. She must take after her mom :)
#4- The pictures brought back lots of great memories of my old dances. I loved reminecing.
#5- I don't know how it's possible but Mario is cuter each time you post new pictures!
Have a great weekend. -Jenny
She is soooo pretty!!!
We sat around yesterday WAITING for this HUGE storm...all we got was some ice...which melted before noon today.
How cute is that little man. I hope they find out what is making him itch :( I still say he has chicken pox...
let us know as soon as you find out
LOVE the song too :)
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