Okay, things are off to a better start today. Jeff is at work for the first time since the baby is home. He has been such a HUGE help, that I REALLY miss him A LOT today. REALLY Miss Him. I do not know how people do this without help. God Bless them. Alli is at school feeling better, although she has not eaten much. I am worried about her losing too much weight, but hopefully, she is on the mend. We ALL got a pretty good nights sleep last night which helps my disposition greatly!
Mario is doing great considering all that he has been through in less than a week. All of the vaccinations did not seem to phase him - thank goodness. I have spent a better part of the morning TRYING to get in touch with all of the doctors with whom I have to make appointments. The rest of the morning has been spent saying NO to the dog. Boy, what a hard transition for him! Every time I put Mario down or in the Exersaucer, the dog just licks him in the face. It is so frustrating, since as you all know, holding a baby and doing anything productive is out of the question. I feel sorry for the dog because he has been our little baby for 4 years. He is a spoiled dog, so he doesn't know what in the world to think.
Everyone who has called or emailed, I have told the same thing - Mario is great. He is doing great, smiling, laughing, eating, sleeping - boy, what a blessing. It was US who were a mess. He probably was thinking, "Jeez, what did I get myself into!" hee hee! With all of the chaos, I count today as day #1, and hope it is all uphill from here. He is here. He is a blessing. He is adjusting. He is happy. Thank the LORD. Some things he likes: He likes to breathe through is nose really fast - it is funny. He likes to move his hands ALL over the place! He likes to lay on the bed while you stand on the floor, so he can kick you! He is FUN!
As far as the rash, not any better. I am hoping that we are able to get into the ped's dermatologist here soon to get some answers. I will keep you posted.
Can I just say something quickly about my little girl? Alli is the best. I vowed that I would not have her feeding and changing diapers unless she was "officially" babysitting. I was afraid that I would take her childhood from her if I put that responsibility on her. I just wanted her to enjoy her brother and be a normal sister. She has done just that. She has been my angel. When Jeff was sick, she hung out with him, helped keep the dog away and just was WONDERFUL. I could not ask for a better girl and Mario could not get a better sister.
Is it normal that I am crying every 5 seconds? lol! I keep saying it is hormones since I just gave birth to a 17 pound baby boy! :-)
Love to all and thanks for the support. I feel the weight lifting!
Tips for the best relationships
7 months ago
Wonderful to hear that all of you are adjusting well!
Jill, I want to start at Day 1 also! When can I get a do-over? I'm still waiting to get settled in. Thinking of you!
Just checking to see if everybody is well now. I know your heart wants to pop when you think of the kind of young woman Alli is becoming.
This is my first time to visit your blog and read your amazing journey!
I am another from the Hometalk board. And also a grandma myself, so I can understand the pride and joy Nanny feels.
Mario and Alli are both so adorable!! You have a beautiful family - cherish every moment! ((hugs)) from a cyber granny
Sarah Ann
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