EDITED: 8:10pm: I wrote this before I knew much about this... apparently it WAS a "to catch a predator" thing. It was really about one corrupt man and a few agencies that are less than on the up-and-up. I am thankful that our case was transparent, and just hope that others are able to bring their little ones home. I would like to have seen more reporting on the process of adoption and show how even in the United States, there is corruption.
There will be a special on DATELINE tonight that I would love everyone to watch... noooo, it is not a "hey- have- a- seat- and- have- some- cookies- and- some -sweet- tea- I -need- to -fold -laundry" to catch a predator specials (although those are horrifyingly entertaining). It is at 7pm and focuses on the adoption problems/concerns in Guatemala. There is a guy named Troy, who is familiar to a lot of us who post on a Guatadopt news site, whose writings some of us follow. Of course this will be slanted, as all news programs are... making Guat adoptions look even more corrupt, but it certainly will be good for my family & friends not in the "Guat adoption" community to see what trials and tribulations it took to get Mario here.
With all that we have had to deal with since Mario has been home, it is easy to sink into the routine of feeling like he has always been with us, but it was just a short time ago that I was on the other side of this situation. Jeff and I look at each other and say out loud EVERYDAY - "I am so thankful he is home." We truly are. To those out there who are still waiting, I never believed it when folks said, "you will forget a lot of this once your kids come home." I thought - NO WAY. But, I have. I have to remind myself sometimes about the process and force myself to remember. It is easy to WANT to forget how hard it was to wait. The fear that our son may not come home to us. I understand. We are here with you and still thinking of those little ones who need a home.
Pray for them this Sunday as Americans learn more about the situation there through this news program. It will probably infuriate me, but it will certainly bring light to the subject. Comment me if you watch it to let me know what you think.
I typically don't blog about others triumphs/problems, etc. I fear that in honoring one homecoming/difficulty, etc. I will inadvertently forget the joy or sadness of another blogger or friend. This one I felt that I HAD to post. I do not know them, am not in touch with them, but they certainly are helping me to change my perspective on what FAITH is... on what is difficult...on what MATTERS. I am trying in the new year (not really a resolution, but a life change) to focus on the things/relationships/people/issues that MATTER. This husband truly knows the meaning of life in his wife and beautiful daughter. Check this blog out if you have time: http://www.cfhusband.blogspot.com/
Tips for the best relationships
7 months ago
Thank you!
I TOTALLY know what you mean about Nate (the CF Husband) Blog. I am so addicted to it. He's made me think about so many things. His dad's blog is really inspiring too. I hope things continue to go well for them.
I read your post too late to watch the Catch a Predator thing... maybe they'll rerun it. I would have like to see what you all have gone through.
I've been following Nate too!! They are an amazing family!!!
I have told everyone I know about them:)
I didn't see the show...
I have been following Nate as well. So inspiring and lifechanging. WoW! talk about guts! I cry everytime I read it!
btw: i posted new Brody pics.
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