Has it really been a WEEK since I have blogged? My goodness, where does the week go? I have been able to check in on everyone else's blogs. Boy, it is so great to read what everyone is doing. It is also amazing and humbling the amount of friendship that I have derived from blogging. True friendship with women I have never even met. Isn't it something how women lift one another up and support one another even without knowing each other? I am grateful. Thank you to everyone who has offered advice and support for every little question I have asked. It is nice to know you are out there to lean on when I truly feel like I don't know what I am doing! :-) Thanks to ALL who took the time to comment on my food question. The comments REALLY helped. I sure know where to come when I have more questions! :-)
Mario's dermatologist appointment is tomorrow. This week has been a difficult one. Mario is sick again. I feel so sorry for the little guy. He has a cold that has settled into his chest making eating a challenge. He is having difficultly keeping anything down due to the major coughing jags that he is having. Thank goodness Grandma Lesko let me borrow her rug scrubber at Christmas, and I did not give it back yet! An entire 8 oz bottle of formula would have been hard to get out of carpet without it.
My little Alli is sick right now, too. I had to take them BOTH to the pediatrician. I was paying my co-pay at the desk, and wrote it for the amount that I always do. The lady said, "this is for 2 kids, so it is double." I replied, "Oh, I have never had them both at the doctor at the same time before. (pause) Well, I have never had 2 children before!" It is times like that that make me laugh at how strange and wonderful it is to be a mom of 2 for the first time in 12 and a half years!
Alli is back at school today. She has severe asthma and allergies that really give her difficulty this time of year. She has been through so much with it getting pneumonia so many times. I am often taken back by her strength with this. I would not be able to push through the way she does. She does not really complaint to anyone about this, but to see her when she is having an asthma attack is frightening. She was having a pretty good year up until this stretch. I hope it is just a minor set back. A cold really sends her into a tailspin, so we are hoping she is on the mend. They are sending her for some blood work, which she is NONE too happy about. That girl HaaaaaTES to get her blood taken. We will see how that goes. Anything HAS to be better than this last set of blood work for Mo. I took him last Monday, and they stuck him twice, and did NOT hit gold. Alli and I took him later in the week, and they got it. Poor guy.
So, here I am with very little sleep, not showered, and blogging with a napping baby 5 feet from me. I am concerned to leave him alone up here since he has been coughing so much.
Other than the illness, I have to say things are settling in here. Mario is really coming along and making great strides with bonding. It has taken a little while, but I am feeling much better about where he is now. If only we could get him healthy. I hope that the dermatologist has some answers.
I have come to realize how much I need to slow down. I was really involved in so many volunteer things in the community that I just have to give up. I love being involved, but I see that I need to be with my family. For anyone who knows me, they know how hard it will be for me to do this. See, I am a bit of a control-freak. I am happy that I am like that for the most part. I just think that it will be difficult to say no to all of the things that take time away from my family. I will still be involved, but need to take on less. I think that I need to do the things which I feel truly full-filled by. I am seeking those areas where I am helping others and being uplifted at the same time - am I asking too much? Are all moms struggling with this problem? I think that most of us probably have trouble saying, no, or feeling like if we don't do it ourselves, it won't be done right. I need to get over that. How do you get over that? lol!
Well, I am off to sneak in a shower. I will blog more when I know more about Mo's rash, etc. Thanks, again, to all who are out there reading. I wish I could give you all a great big hug.... here it comes....
Tips for the best relationships
7 months ago
I just love reading your blogs now that Mario is here and you are juggling 2 children...your writings always make me smile. Please don't ask me about what to feed a baby. My oldest daughter had her first ice cream cone when she was 4 months old (we are ice cream fanatics)..I totally understand how you feel you need to do less volunteering and spend more time with your family...they grow up too quickly! Just do what makes you happy...the rest of the world will adjust to that, LOL.
Linda H.
I bet that shower was great!! I'll be praying for both Alli and Mario.
Jill...Hope you enjoyed the shower...call me if you need to sneak to the shower, I will "look over" Mo!! I loved the post...just an extension of our conversation on Monday. Saying NO is getting a little easier, that was one of my New Year's resolutions. It's funny how Mom's let things become nuts at home to make somebody in the community happy!!!!!! LOL
I am with Linda on the food thing, I have a picture of Jenna at 7 months sitting in the high chair "licking" a bowl that she just finished off with a spoon!
Love ya girlfriend,
What's a shower?? :)
I hope the kiddos are feeling better .
I have a hard time saying no too. Pleasing everyone is too much stress. Me and a group of friends are starting a girls night out..at least once a month..maybe more:) If you were closer you could ocme too :)
Hope the Dr visit goes well:)
Oh and the double pay..I think is CRAZY!!! The Dr sees them at the same time and says the same thing..why should there be 2 payments?? CRAZY!!!
Have a great night My blogger pal :) :)
It's hard saying to say no. We expect our kids to do it ("Say no to drugs!"), but it's so hard, as a woman and a nurturer, to say that two-letter word ourselves. And when we do say it we feel like we need to justify it. But right now it seems like the call of your heart is to let other things go and focus on your family. There will be community activities when the kiddos are older, but this is your time to enjoy them. Well, enjoy THEM...the 8 ounces of upchucked formula? Not so much!
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