~The rules are to link the person who sent this and leave a comment on their blog so their readers can visit yours
~Post the rules on your blog
~Share 7 strange/weird facts about yourself
~Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and link their blog
~Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
Okay, some of these "facts" are not new to those who know me, but to those far away friends, this may be "new!"
* I am writing. Oh, I just don't want to say that I am going to write the "next great American novel" - doesn't everyone want to do that? I just am writing. I someday may have something. Fiction, non-fiction. Both. Something will come together eventually.
* My brother's name is JACK... I am Jill... seriously deranged parents, huh.
* I truly think that Jeff and I are meant to be... our odd similarities that we have in common:
His parents are still married, mine are , too. They are Jan and Jim, mine are Jack and Jean. You see above that my brother's name is Jack, Jeff's sister is Jenny. His last name is Lesko (now mine, too), my mother's maiden name is GESKO. Our high school mascots are the yellowjacket. We both are/were teachers and graduated from Slippery Rock University. We are both adopted.
* I LOVE mafia movies. I think that world is fascinating, especially true crime, serial killers, prison shows, etc. It freaks me out, but I find it interesting. Do you think less of me? :-) I just want to know what makes people tick.

* I got pregnant in college with Alli. Not a shocker, but I was in a sorority living with sorority sisters! I WAS the made for t.v. movie telling her "sisters" and parents that she is preggers! Oh, my parents must have been so proud :-) I was 20 when I had Alli... my birth mother had me at 20... Mario's birth mother had him at 20.
* I taught middle school for years... 7th grade... English and gifted reading... but I started out wanting to be a nurse, but could NOT deal with the gaggy stuff like throw up. People that just meet me who meet my husband sometimes assume that I am a stay at home mom, and never did anything else but that (which would be fine, but why do folks assume?). That was a strange transition from career to this. I tell Jeff I am his arm candy... his trophy wife.. not sure what contest he won... lol!
* I want to be a photographer, work in a bridal shop/plan weddings, deliver flowers or be a hair
dresser when I grow up. I am just still searching. I cut Alli's hair often, color hers, mine... sometimes experiment on my mom when she lets me. I love it. I wish I had a great camera and classes on how to take great photos. I would be a photo journalist taking those pictures of people across the US. I am obsessed with weddings and the ideas of planning parties/weddings.. so detail oriented... I loved planning mine. I love the idea of delivering flowers to people. No one is sad when you deliver flowers. Even at a funeral.. people say, "oh those are beautiful."

I Hope that these folks have not been tagged yet... if not, YOU'RE IT!
ROSE (motivation to keep blogging!)
I love you too. I can't believe how many things we have in common after reading your list.
#1- I've always loved to write. As a matter of fact, I just finished a small "story" about putting Hannah up for adoption. I was thinking of posting it on my blog.
#2- I've always loved true crime (I love the author Anne Rule) but I'd never watched a Mafia movie until this year. For Christmas I got Zac the first 4 season of the Saprano's. OMG! I love that show. I am totally addicted to it now.
#3- I would love to be a photographer, wedding planner, etc. Girl, we have to get together some day for makeovers. We'd have soooo much fun.
#4- My being pregnant with Hannah was also a Made for TV movie. Good church girl, great family, gets pregnant with high school boyfriend (of 3 years) the first time having sex!
Your other revelations crack me up too. I LOVe the fact you and your bother are Jack and Jill. And I am completely amazed by all the similarities between you and your husband. WOW! You were definitely meant to be together.
DAMMIT! I was just going to tag you!
TOO funny!!!
I wanna play dress up with you and Jenny too :)
I need a photographer in my portfolio... I'll put you both in :)
I'll have to think...Hmmmm
I'm just sooo boring. Thats one of em. BORING! I'll ask my hubby....... check back LOL
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