Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Verdict

The dermatologist is a little distance away, plus we had to wait an hour to be seen, so I expected this child to be a terror... but nope, just his usual amusing self! He just loves that "I -want -2- lbs -of -ground- beef" white paper that they lay him on! We are weary of seeing that paper, and would just like to visit it on wellness check ups once per year!

Anyway, the verdict... well, not exactly a definitive answer. We saw BOTH doctors again. They are the best, it bears repeating since many times we have tried to think who else we would go to... they are it... the other pediatric derms in the area and beyond recommend them, so there we are. We like them, but it has just taken so long for this rash to clear, that you start to wonder, you know?

They still are convinced that this is a bug bite that has caused his body to "carry it" with him. They believe this due to the history and time frame which he presented. They also are basing this on the pathologists findings from the biopsy. Unfortunately, on the blood work, there was a slight increase in his numbers on his test for liver function and a slight increase of this particular cell (Langerhans) that they found in the pathology report. Neither of these things are alarming individually (hence, the normal result on the bloodwork and path tests), but coupled it could point to a potential skin problem that causes these particular cells to grow at a rapid rate. Don't be up reading about it on the internet like I did... you will have nightmares! She does not think that this is likely, but to be on the safe side, we are to repeat the liver function bloodwork, get a urine test (since it is linked to diabetes) and come back in 2 weeks for another biopsy where they will take a larger amount of skin to test.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Needless to say, but I want to say it anyway, I am stressed. I am worried. This poor boy has just been through enough since he has been here. He is just such a happy little guy, and I want him to be better. I have to keep positive thoughts, but it is hard not to think those things that moms think... oh, if only I could switch on and off my brain. Life goes on through this, and it is just hard to concentrate on anything else. I know that you moms "get it."

They put him on a strong gel/cream that we are to use twice a day for 2 weeks. If it clears up with this, they are pretty convinced that it is a bug reaction; therefore, they will hold off on the repeat biopsy. Please pray for our little one that this treatment works, and we can move on from the doctors and uncertainty and just enjoy him.

In the meantime, a little giggle at his expense? The gel stuff they have us putting on him is nearly impossible to wash off.. I woke up with it still on MY makes his hair stand straight up... well, no that is just me who did that! (my camera batteries died, so the computer camera pics are not great)

I am a bit oily in my T-Zone, what do you think, ladies?


Tricia said...

Oh my word - ADORABLE pictures!! Girl I am praying that the gel will do the trick and you will not have to REPEAT more tests....

Poor little guy!

Hang in there! This too shall pass...

Anonymous said...

He is so cute...
I have not seen one bad picture of him!! (Gel and all..)
We will pray that the rash starts to clear and no further tests are needed for the little man!
Linda H.

Soltana said...

TOOO Cute!!

I hope the gel works and that cuteness is ok!!!

Hang in there....

Gail said...

Well, I hope and pray the gel-stuff works. He is so darn cute, even with the rash.

Bee said...

I love that picture! Maybe they should dual market the stuff as hair gel, too.

Prayin' hard here. Sounds like you have good docs on the case. And, as a mom, I know how you dwell on possibilities. But I'm going to say this anyway. Give it to God, then spend almost all day every day marveling at what a wonderful little guy he is. He's a jewel!

Cameo said...

a BUG BITE? How weird is that?! Well, I'm hoping and praying that it is and he doesn't have to repeat the biopsy.

Janice said...

God Bless your adorable lil Mario!!! There's nothing that can be done to take away from his cuteness....

I pray with all I have that he will not have to endure another skin test....

Bee (as she always does) gave you wonderful advice.... Turn the results over to God and focus on the adorable gift that you waited for for such a long time.

Hugs to you all.... janice

Annie and Greg said...

Poor little guy! I will keep thinking about your family. He is such a cute little man, particularly with his I-just-stuck-my-finger-in-an-outlet look.

Rose said...

Oh my goodness!! I love that you can keep the humor in it all! He's still a cutie even wih his hair shootin straight up! Roseann

Anonymous said...

Bless his little heart. I hope this new medicine does the trick and he doesn't have to endure another biopsy.
Each picture you post tells me how happy he is to be part of your loving family.