I was able to go to the mall this week with Mo ALL BY MYSELF! This is probably not a big deal to most, but for me, it was huge. I was very nervous... getting the car down the driveway, slipping and falling... oh, the anxiety. We did just fine. Other than that, not too much new. Alli's activities are keeping us running. She is liking her play rehearsals and volleyball, which is great. Softball season will start soon, so she is ready to get outside!
We were supposed to have our post placement visit today - our first one. She was sick, so she cancelled. Tis the season! Next Sunday, we will have it instead. Our re-adoption hearing is scheduled for 3/5. I am just wanting to get this all over with and just live our lives with our kids... not with one child and one adopted child. That is what it feels like when we still have the appointments and such. I just want everything to be normal, ya know?
Speaking of normal, Mo's rash is STILL on his face. It is better than it was, but still not gone. We took the kids to the mall with my parents this afternoon, and his cheeks were beet red the whole time we were there. We see the dermatologist again soon, so who knows what will happen from here.
In the meantime, enjoy a few pics of Mario from today. 

Mario and Momma being silly!

Here is Mo at 1 day old...

Here is Mo TODAY at 11 and a half months!

so cute!!!
We had snow one time but it was only flurries. I wish we would get some of your snow but just for a day or so. or maybe a couple of days would be cool! LOL
Good luck with your post placement and readoption hearing! It wil be great to have all of the paperwork behind you so you can focus on your son!
Love Mario's then and now pics... he is so adorable!
I totally get the wanting the process to be over....the paperwork....the visits....the DOSSIER.....the fingerprints..... ARGHHHHHH! They are so worth it. It is just so draining emotionally. I am ready for my family to be just livin' normal life.
Where are you getting the FFF challenge? I see lots of people have before and after pictures this Friday (or Saturday :))... guess I'm out of the loop.
I love the picture of you and Mario... you both look great.
Thanks, Jenny! I put a link to Sarah's blog, so you can check her out! It is the most beautiful blog... a fellow scrapbooker will be sure to agree! Check her out... she commented above, too!
Have a GREAT Oscar Night! Jill
Good luck on the upcoming hearing!! Does it ever end?!?!
I am ready for SPRING!!
Too cute!!!
Too cute!!!
School was cancelled her eon Friday..for the IMPENDING snow..did we get any .. NO!!!!!!!!!!!
He is too cute...glad you got to go out:)
I love his little sweater....what a looker he is.
You are cracking me up about snow in the south. If someone even THINKS snow down here, they often close the schools just in case and everyone I mean EVERYONE goes to the store to buy milk, bread and eggs. What you really need is cheese dip, diet coke and cinnamon rolls! LOL Love the pictures of your little man. He is tooo cute!
He is so precious!!!
Had to get another peek at that precious little angel! Yes...thought the Oscars were amazingly BORING this year. (I obviously have no life)
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