Saturday, February 9, 2008

Raspberry Beret?

Nope... just raspberries! This is his "new thing" that I am not too thrilled about (although it is pretty funny!). He will say, "daddadadad".. then I reply with "mamamamamma." To which HE replies:

He has gotten 2 more teeth... so, 2 on the bottom and 3 on top! And he is GRITTING them (or grinding them) a lot... is anyone else experiencing this????? Oh it is awful... can I do anything to STOP it?

Our week has been good. At Mo's wellness check up, the doc was glad to see his rash clearing a bit - THANK GOODNESS! He gained his weight back and then some since he was sick... 18 lbs. 12 ozs @ 11 months (on the 2/17). Is that big? Not sure.. he seems just perfect!

Jeff has been working late the past week (PSSA's coming up next week for PA and all of the Winter sports banquets that he has to attend), so we have held down the fort. We got the chance to visit my mom a bit this week, which Mario is smitten... he just looooves Nanny - what is not to love? I just giggle that my mom is such a GIVER. I go there and sit... she just jets all over the house "finding things" that she has bought for him... little cars... stuffed animals... then she whips out a candy bar for me...Alli's favorite iced tea or cookies... seriously, I just LOVE to go there (and apparently Alli does, too, since she is sleeping over).

My dad took Alli to her batting class (for softball) this week, Thanks Dad! She did so well, so we hope that she has an enjoyable season again. He is the BEST, too... my favorite thing is to go somewhere where someone realizes that I am the local pharmacist's daughter... they always have a nice thing to say about how he helped them when they or their father or child was sick...It seriously happens once a week. PROUD!!!!

While Jeff was at the boy's b-ball banquet last night, I had surprise visitors of my BFF, Jenn (who is also my co-JV cheer advisor AND Jeff's secretary - a woman of many hats) and her son Dustin! She is my "mom role model" whom I call DAILY for advice! It was SO great visiting with her!

My in-laws surprised us this afternoon bearing gifts! I never turn ANYONE away bearing GIFTS! :-) Diapers, formula, wipes & a hat for Mo.... Valentine's candy & gift card for Alli... boy, oh, boy, do they spoil us! I will post pictures of the visit soon... until then....

* Okay, okay, when in the HE%$ is the SPELLCHECKER going to be working... It makes me paranoid to post! I am a previous English teacher, so people will SERIOUSLY rail on me if I spell easy words wrong... as I told my students, "Good spellers don't always make good writers!"


Anonymous said...

What a hilarious video of Mario!
Why is it that all babies learn to do the "raspberry" before we ever want them to?? I ran into your mom at Giant Eagle and told her that you needed to update your blog, so good job!It is such a joy to see Mario so well adjusted...all the credit to you, Jeff and Alli for that! You are so blessed! Linda H.

Cameo said...

18 lbs BIG? Are you SERIOUS? Jill, I wish Valentina was "big" according to your standards! Oh, you make me waugh (As Asa would say). When I took V in to her embassy doctor appointment at 10 mos, she was 22 lbs. 1 year she was 25 lbs, yesterday she was 26 lbs. Asa feels sooooo light compared to her and he weighs 2 lbs more, but is also a foot taller, so it's more spread out. Ahhh..... thanks for the waugh!

Kelly said...

I am loving the rasberries !!! I don't think that is big at all, but then again I had a giant chunky monkey!!!

Cherrie said...

I'm with Cameo...All three of my kids weighed 17+ pounds at 3 months!! They were all about 30# at one year!!! Tyler came home the hospital wearing 6-9 months because he was soooo long!! We never had "babies" at our house, they came as toddlers...LOL
I finally got the cute.

Jenny said...

Mario is super cute! I love the raspberries!

Just checked in Bryant's baby book. He was only 17 pounds at 11 months. He was the 30th percentile for weight. I remember that I could technically still carry him in the infant carrier well after his 1 year old birthday. He's always been tall and lean. (Thank goodness... since he's got fat genes from both parents :) ).

Have a great week. -Jenny

JuJu - said...

that song is now radiating through my brain!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will never shake it and sing it in the grocery store - thanks:)

he is so adorable:)

You know how badly I need Spell check!

Soltana said...

So cute...

I'm glad I'm not the only one missing the spell check...

Sweet To Our Seoul said...

Funny, funny, funny!!!
He is a cutie!!!!!


Steph said...

Oh, that video is too cute!!!!

Our little guy is 10months and weighs 22lbs!! Mario seems small compared! :)