My more-than-fabulous hubby took both kids, one brooding-ipod -wearing-too cool -almost 13 year old and a one year old who has never traveled with US farther than 20 minutes in the car. He did GREAT on the 2 hour drive (and so did the baby!). Allie was a big help to Jeff, and they had a great time visiting with my in-laws.
Jeff's beautiful sister (Aunt Jenny) was visiting with her Husband, Doug (Uncle D) from Indy. This was the first time she saw Mario. Allie LOVES them, so she was so excited to get to spend time with them! Of course, Jeff's mom and dad SPOILED my kids. His mom is amazing. Her house is immaculate - everything is so perfect there. Jenny and Doug outdid themselves with all of the great stuff for the kids, too! You would think it was Christmas! Allie's job was to take pictures in my absence. The only person she did not get a picture of was Jeff's mom.. she is not to big on getting her photo taken!

Grandpa Lesko thinks I am funny. I love him.

We had Mo's doctor appointment this week. He is growing fine. 19lbs 29.5 inches at a year. She said that this is a little on the small side, but genetically he may be littler. He stands a few seconds unattended, but no walking yet. He does clap though. It is so cute to see him clapping! His rash is clearing SLOWLY. When he cries, it shows way more, otherwise it is not too bad. We see the dermatologist on the 8th of April, so we will see if there is anything else to do.
He is constantly refusing the sippy cup. I have tried several kinds, but no go. The straw kind he just bites the straw... the sippy kind he flips upside down. He will drink out of a regular cup, but seriously, what a pain in the a$$. I need to have a child with a LID. The doctor told us that we can ween him off of the bottle and formula anytime, but I just cannot imagine what to do if he refuses the sippy cup. HELP - any advise, ladies?
Here's to hoping this weekend is a bit more productive! Allie has play practice tonight, softball clinic tomorrow, volleyball and play all week next week... oh to have her energy! Have a GREAT weekend, folks!
Happy Easter! It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your family.
#1- Loving Mario's Easter Vest (you know I would)
#2- Sorry your sick... and keep it to yourself. No sending it this way!
#3- Ali is so pretty
#4- I totally loved Kirk Cameron... and Ricky Shroeder too!
#5- That is absolutely the coolest rocker EVER. Bryant would have died for one like that.
uuuuuhhhh Brody is 15 months and yes is still on the bottle! So no good advice here!! He refuses sippy cups...throws them... you name it.... so .....He is still on a bottle and I don't really care what anybody thinks...he he he! I figure if his high school pics show him with a bottle then we are in trouble. until then.....No worries!
My head is swirling from this post! So much good stuff! SO sorry you have been sick. That just sucks! But, the pics are adorable and the gifts? You are the coolest mom EVER!!!
I LOVE the pics of you r 2 precious children... that is truly PRICELESS and melts my heart... I can only imagine what it does to yours!!!!
thanks for sharing!
Your kids are beautiful--Mario is the cutest little thing! :)
Andrew is 14 months and still using a bottle. He just started "getting" the sippy cup, but still prefers the bottle. I figure I missed his first 8 months so I get to give him a bottle for longer than bio moms. He's not going to preschool with it so I'm not worried. I think we hurry our kids along too fast here in the U.S. Let them be little for as long as you can.
LOVE the rocking 'horse'. Andrew would love that---who am I kidding?...I would love that!!!
Hi Jill,
I'm finally getting caught up! Thanks for sharing the pics of your adorable kids!
Hey, seriously don't stress about the bottle. He's your baby! With Bella, I totally stressed, but with Luca I used to tell the doctor what I knew he wanted to hear -"oh sure.. he takes a sippy cup." Meanwhile I literally JUST took away his before bed bottle last week! (And he's 2.) The way I see it, as long as he's not taking a bottle to kindergarten, he'll be fine!
You're doing a GREAT job!
Love, Keri
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