Today was the BEST DAY! In the state of Pennsylvania, if you do not travel to get your child, you must go through a readoption. The past few months, Mario has had a green card and has been considered a legal alien. TODAY: It is official! He is an AMERICAN CITIZEN!!!!!!! He is Officially Mario Patrick Lesko! He is officially ours! We are officially DONE! Thank the LORD.
Last year at this time we were praying for a child to come into our lives. We had just signed our paperwork for the agency and were hoping for a referral. We were nervous about starting the process that we were not entirely sure would result in a child in our home at the end. What a difference a year makes.
What is THIS Dad... MY FLAG? Cool!
WHAT?!? I am having to go to COURT? I did not even DO anything!

This isn't so bad... COLD out, but getting to go in the cool elevator to the courthouse is FUN!

My sissy got to come to the hearing and get out of SCHOOL!
I love when she hangs with me!
I have never seen mom in panty hose... she looks funny!
Hey, wasn't that lady at our house on Sunday for our social worker visit? She is nice.This lady in the black bathrobe said she adopted one of my Guat peeps, too! She is the COOLEST Evah!
My mommy and daddy had to 'testify,' and mama CRIED! Alli thought the whole thing was like Judge Judy without the yelling! All I know is my parents were SO happy when it was over!
Awesome!!! Iguess we need to get that done sooon! You are quick girl!
Yay!! We still have to do the readoption for both of our kids. We are so not on the ball.
Yes, God Bless America and Mario!!
What a beautiful family and a beautiful day Jill:) I am so happy that chapter is over - Now
Onto the good stuff - like breaking curfew and dating girls we don't like;);)
Oh Jill, You are SO far ahead of me.....We are still waiting for sucky agency to give us our Post Placement report, so we can proceed. I do have to say that our newest American citizen was looking very spiffy in his court duds, and his mama wasn't lookin' bad either ;) If you get to cold honey, just come on down. We can always make room for friends!
Am so happy for your whole family. Bless little Mario who is now the newest citizen of this wonderful country. And yes Mario looks quite handsome in his duds ;)
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!
Happy re-adoption day. I'm glad that everything went perfect! You all look so good... I'm lovin' the pantyhose Jill. And Mario looks super handsome with the argyle sweater. I am such a sucker for sweater vests.
I hope you did something fun last night to celebrate. -Jenny
Wonderful wonderful wonderful!!! Happy happy day congrats to you Mario!!!!And Mommy and Daddy and big sister too!
Congratulations Mario! I am so proud to call you a fellow American! Amen, God Bless America. I LOVE that you have the first verse to God Bless America on your blog!
That is terrific news!!! Congrats to the entire family!!!! You guys look great together!!
Jill, I just love coming here and being able to see new pictures of your family.
I'm glad your re-adoption was a pleasant experience for you all.
Mario's rash looks gone.
Hugs to your family!
We are so thrilled for you!
Congratulations, Mario on having the greatest family ever!
We Love You!
Keri and family
CONGRATULATIONS LESKOS!!!! Mario is looking so dapper in his little sweater vest - as is Dad in his suit!! Mom, I have never seen you in a skirt - you look great!!! And Alli, she's beautiful as ever. Now you can look forward at bigger and better things - like maybe Gov. Lesko???? LOL LOL
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