Sunday, April 20, 2008

Guess who came for some pie?

Okay, let me paint the picture for you of what Jeff and I did Friday night.... Allie was at a volleyball was an hour away and went very late... Jeff was to pick her up at 11:15pm...we were tired but trying to stay awake to wait for Jeff to leave... we were in a nice comfy bed....

We were watching television... I think the end of the Truman Show...

having some apple pie... yummmmmm....

Mario was sleeping... we were just chilling out, and then someone came to visit...can you guess who????? Here is a hint....

scroll down slowly.....

Nooooo, it wasn't Batman......

can you guess?

keep scrolling....

it was late, and a full moon that weekend, but noooo, it wasn't a vampire... but getting closer....

keep scrolling....

can you guess yet?????

He looked like THIS:

Yep! A BAT!!!! Seriously, a FREAKIN BAT flew over our heads in bed!!!!

Jeff and I about had a heart attack... my immediate reaction was to cover my head with the comforter and protect my pie (hee hee).... evidently that was Jeff's reaction, too, since I found him under there, also! ONE of us had to do something and based on my intense (and irrational, I am sure) fear of birds (and let's face it folks, bats are just angry confused nighttime birds) I knew that the "bat killer" was NOT going to be me.

Okay, so I am locked in the bathroom with the phone. Jeff ran after the bat into the living room. Our brave Shih tzu, Murry, went along to protect Jeff. I called my mommy. My parents' advice? Hit him with a tennis racket... okay, WHERE am I getting a tennis racket locked in the bathroom! I called Allie on her cell to tell her that Dad would be a little late to pick her up, so Pappy may have to get her.. she asked why... I told her that there was a bat in the house.. her reaction,

"Mom, go get it... it will EAT the baby!"

Oh, I was dying. So I am screaming, Jeff is yelling at me to shut up, the bat is flying around the living room, landing on the wreath and Jeff finally gets it out of the front door...


Once he comes to get me in the bathroom, I am freaking out. I am afraid to stay home while he gets Allie from the school... I ask him if he thinks that he brought his little bat buddies into the house. No, Jeff replies. I then ask him if he thinks that the bat could have laid eggs in the house. His reply:

Bats are mammals, Jill.

In the face of danger and fear, I apparently get stupid.

From now on I sleep with a tennis racket under the bed.


Annie and Greg said...

Now that is one awesome story!

Jenny said...

I am laughing so hard I'm almost peeing my pants. Holy shit!

I would have been scared to death too. And I would undoubtably be sleeping with a tennis racket next to my bed.

Did you ever figure out how he got in the house?

The Frugal Countess said...

I literally am laughing so hard my kids think there is something wrong! You need to print that, frame it and put in the bathroom nest to a framed tennis racket! LOVE this, Jill!!!!!!!

Bee said...

That is so funny! Sorry, but I have such a clear picture of it!

I'm not afraid of birds but I HATE bats. They're just so, well, creepy!

Cameo said...

Thank you so much!!! What a great way to start off my week! Yes, a tennis racket is ALWAYS good to have next to you, and makes soooo much sense.... NOT! OH man, I'm still laughing!

Trina G. said...

I'm getting a tennis racket and keeping it close.

I wish I could have been a "bat" on the wall!! LOL

LouLou said...

I needed that laugh..... When we were young we had a pool in our backyard. We also had a garage apt. out back with a chimney for the furnace. Bats lived in that chimney, and they would swoop down at our heads when we swam at night. We would have to duck under the water, so they wouldn't get our heads. To this day I am still creeped out by bats.....

Soltana said...

OMG I can see you now!!!!!!

That is the funniest thing!!! I laughed out loud and Larry thought I was crazy until I read it to him:)

Girl..I'd be sleeping with the racket under my pillow:)

Gail said...

I would have reacted exactly the same way you did. However, I can't imagine my mother chasing a bat around our house with a baseball bat. Good thing you have Jeff!

Jodie said...

okay, this made me laugh sooo hard!! LOL too funny in the face of bat danger!

Jodie said...

ps, I don't know if you've ever seen "The Great Outdoors" with John Candy, but I kept picturing the bat scene in that movie when reading this.

Laurie said...

OMG that made me laugh out loud! Hilarous! I'm glad you are all safe now! Your FFF below is priceless. He is just tooo stinkin' cute, handsome, adorable, Bella would definitely call him a HOTTIE!

BTW - Zumba is sorta aerobics and Latin dance moves to Latin, Carribean music. Too much fun!

Kelly said...

OMG LOL LOL LOL LOL Sorry but that's hilarious!

Steph said...

HA!!!!! I am laughing so hard right now!!!! Of course, I would have been hiding in the bathroom, too! Too hilarious!

But, sooo glad you saved the pite, that the bat did not lay eggs or eat the baby! hee hee!!

The Heinrichs said...

I so needed that story!!! At first I thought this was going to be some x-rated post! So glad you all survived!!!

Mackenzie's Forever Family said...

This one made me laugh out loud. Haven't done that in a while. THANKS for lightening up the mood in my head. I think I would have actually slept in the tub that night if it were me.

Andrea said...

That is TOO funny. And just for the record, I have a fear of birds, too. So you're not alone in that, sistah!

Bats are mammals...too funny.

Sweet To Our Seoul said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!! I soooo would have freaked out too!!! That is one funny story though!!


Steve & Amy said...

I am rolling on the floor laughing! What a story! I wish you had a video would have won you $10,000:)

Sarah said...

Hilarious (well not so much having it in the house part... but the end reaction)! What a moment that was!!

The Frugal Countess said...

I HAD to read this again - and the OZZY!!!! Too funny, woman!!!!!!! You know, I saw him when I was in 7th grade - my first concert - I convinced my mom (who wasa whale-belt wearing Jr. Leaguer) that he sounded like Kenny Loggins. She, never having heard of Ozzy, dropped me and the 2 scuzziest girls I could find from my middle school (nobody else's parents would let them go). She then proceeded to MEET us at the door - she had bought a ticket for herself, unbeknownst to me.

We lasted 3 songs - and she whisked us out. Right before he allegedly took a header on the stage and passed out. Good times. ;-)

Ruthanne said...

I feel your pain girl!! I had the same thing happen to me when I was a teenager. Scary stuff, but sure makes a good story! lol

Glad the poor little guy got out alive without any racket indentations in his little behind.