Sunday, May 11, 2008

Do you hear a jackhammer?

Well, you must have been at the Leskos at 7:30AM all week... we have been having major excavation done here and boy, is it LOUD! We had a big mound of dirt moved, our side front yard smoothed and graded, our driveway re-worked, a culvert pipe removed and replaced and our driveway prepped for asphalt. All of that AND our tree guy (yes, we have a "tree guy" here in the sticks... although my parents have me beat since they had a "potato man" who would deliver potatoes to our door growing up by ringing the bell and yelling "POTATO MAN" at the top of his lungs, but I digress) cut down 4 very tall scotch pines. No one wants scotch pines because the burn for crap, so we are stuck with a whole forest of them around us... lovely. :-)

So, this week, we should be paving. I cannot wait since we have a helluva driveway. It will be awesome to have some usable, flat space to park and for the kids to ride stuff. Here are some pics of the excitement here:

What in the hell is this noise, Dad? I am SO missing my beauty sleep!

I'm cool, Dad, I am not scared... just lemme hold onto your collar for dear life!

still hanging on...

our driveway, pre-asphalt prep...the excavation on the side yard

Jeff's parents, who drive down twice a week 2 hours EACH way to help do stuff outside... Thanks, guys! (his dad is clearing downed trees)... this is where the mound of dirt was moved at the top of the driveway...

I am just thankful it is almost over... then we plant grass on that side... I just hate the chaos... I am such a routine person... a bit compulsive...We are going to be SO HAPPY when it is done and we can enjoy it! They really are doing a great job!


On a side note: To all my Bloggie Mamas out there.... or those mommies-to-be... Happy Mother's Day. I sure hope yours was fantastic. I got to spend the evening with the loves of my life last night... my hubby, kids and I met my parents for supper at the mall and shopped. I just loved being able to shop with my MOM. She is just hilarious... always conspiring with my daughter... Allison was told "no asking" for anything at the mall since her birthday is this coming weekend... of course while in NY and Co, Allie ended up with not one but TWO pairs of sunglasses AND lipgloss! Seriously. Everytime she leaves my parents house, she comes home with a bag of goodies. I just think that they are funny.

Oh, and while trying to express this sappy post about my mom earlier about how much I love her, blah, blah, blah... all of the things that she knows and I have told her a gazillion times.... my mind started to wonder... she is just funny... not the "try to be" funny, but accidentally funny. She is one of those people who start to laugh and can't stop, so I start and cannot control it. I nearly pee myself OFTEN when in the presence of my mother. I see her act like that with my Allie, too, which I love. She will kill me for this, but this cracked me up. forgive me mom....We were in a department store shopping once. I was coming out of the dressing room and rounding the corner with her when she slipped on a hanger that was on the non-carpeted floor. She reached for the round clothing rack to stop her from falling, but to no was like slow motion seeing her go down with the ENTIRE clothing rack on top of her. I checked to see if she was okay, and she was, but it was SO LOUD that the entire store was looking at us. The more I tried to help her get up, the more we laughed and could not stand. I was seriously trying not to pee my pants. Oh, Lord, I just still think of that story and crack up at her. I think that she laid on the floor for like 10 minutes, totally fine, but laughing so hard she was crying.

My mom is my hero. she knows it. period. end of story.

Now, in the theme of Mother's Day, any fun/funny stories you would like to share about your mom or you... or what makes you love your mom so much, please leave it in the comments...

Just KNOW how much you blog-friends mean to me and how you got me through this adoption and beyond. I have never met stronger ladies, and I just love each of you for it.


Anonymous said...

Happy 1st Mother's Day being a mom to two, Jill!

Robin, Bob, Michael, & Steven :)

JuJu - said...

Love the pics:)
How cool - you have a HUGE yard girl - Mo will love that:):)
My boys would be wanting four wheelers and dirt bikes!

Glad you had a great Mother's Day - and here is to NO chaos in our lives:):)

Love you and can't wait to meet you !


Jenny said...

Wow... now that's a project!

I love all the trees. Reminds me of the yard at my parents house (where I grew up).

Hope your mother's day was great!

Cherrie said...

Oh My Gosh...where did baby Mo go??
I love his haircut...he looks like a BIG boy!!


The Heinrichs said...

Happy Belated Mother's Day! I know all about those big trees...jeez...I make sure we buy trees that get no taller than 15 feet so the next homeowner doesn't have to figure out how to cut 'em down!!! And look at lil the big boy hair cut!!!

Trina G. said...

now THAT is a very large project. It will look pretty darn nice after it's done.

I'll be chuckling all day with your mom falling down story;) Thanks for the laugh...or thank your mom for the laugh.

Stacie said...

Hope you had a FABULOUS Mother's Day!!

Have a great week!

Madelyn's Mommy said...

This is the first time I have been on your blog and just had to say that you had me laughing out loud.

I will be back.



Kelly said...

I Love your Mom. I would have had to leave because I peed my pants. Which I think I have done before because my mom cracks me up. Anyway I am glad you had a good Mom's Day. I cannot believe how Mo is growing, such a cutie!Good luck with the excavations.