Monday, May 19, 2008


Sooo many babies are stuck in Guatemala right now, and some of my friends could use your help. I don't really know what I as an individual can do to really help. I just thought that I would post to bring attention to the issue and ask YOU to help me tell everyone how to help.

As many of you know, having your child in another country is not only emotionally taxing, it is a HUGE financial strain as well. When we started our adoption, we knew that there was an end in sight and had a general timeline to hope and pray about. Right now, those who started their adoptions and don't have their children home yet are not as fortunate.

Picture your son or daughter right now, somewhere else, you not able to hold them and tell them that you love them and all that is holding you back is money.

Now, we all know how much we hate to take anything from anyone, but in this adoption process SO MANY of these bloggers gave so much to me emotionally. I KNOW that I would not have made it through this without their support. Now it is my turn.

Please visit the blogs and sites below. If you are interested in anything that they have to offer, please buy from them.. or just donate. It would mean a lot to me, but it would especially mean the world to their babies in Guatemala. Many of them have links to other sites on how you can help other families as well. My little list just scratches the surface of the devastation and amount of children who are growing everyday without their mommies and daddies. Thanks for taking a look at this worthwhile cause.

COREY is waiting on her TWINS. Please visit her blog and her EBay shop for more information:
Corey's Ebay Shop
Corey's Blog with links to other families in need

Deanna & Brent's Blog who will hopefully have information on it soon about some opportunities to learn more about their adoption.

There are also links on my sidebar to the right regarding some giving opportunities for Lou's daughter Essie. Holly, of course, the QUEEN of all bows and one of the sweetest chicks I know, gives $ to the orphans of Guatemala.

If there are other ways to help, please leave them in my COMMENTS section with a link - even if it is something that you need. Now that my son is home, I just don't want to forget about how many parents who have son's they are waiting on... Thank you for reading.


Corey said...

Thanks Jill
check out

LouLou said...

Thank you, Jill. Just keep praying.