Wednesday, July 16, 2008


that will really help no one... just thought I would share... after the 5 things that you cannot live without tag (scroll down to previous post), I have tried a few things on YOUR lists that I thought would be helpful....(welcome back to those of you who hung in there while my blog was re-designed by the way... leave a comment to let me know you are out there!)
Trisha, I have tried the Ped-Egg... yes, it is a grody cheese grater for your feet, but I just love the thing... Jeff thinks that it is the most disgusting thing EVER...enjoy your rough heels, man, I will use this kitchen-like utensil!
Cams - I have bought the green Gold B*nd cream. Although I believe that I works well, I cannot stand the Bengay-like smell... my husband has claimed it as his own... maybe it will make him have softer feet? He really likes it!
Andrea - I, too, share the love of lip gloss, so I am always up for a new flavor... I am a Bonnie Belll/Lip Smacccker girl... the cheaper the better (no snarky comments about that please :-) BUUUUT, I went and bought the Neutrogen@ Dream #20... It looks fab if I do say so myself! It is a bit sticky, but I love the color.... for day to day I will stick with my vanilla mint Chapp Stick, though!
This was fun trying new things... keep posting those, ladies! I am still needing the P@mpered Chef chopper... I love the "plunger" pitcher thingy... if you do not have that, go get it! I am wanting the chopper though! Oh, so glamorous! Anything else I need, ladies?
I have discovered heaven on a spoon though....

Yes, this IS carmalized pear and toasted pecan... I know that I am violating some copyright laws here, but if I am telling you this will change your life, then I think they will let it slide... I never thought that I would think of an ice cream so much, but since I have finished it, I have been disappointed and thinking about it being lonely for me in the freezer case....sad, and probably means I have other issues, but oh, well. If you like pears - get this... YUMMMMM!

Speaking of heaven... Jeff is always trying to get me to watch some sport.... this week was homerun derby and some All-Star stuff (yawn)... if you want me to watch it, give me some eye candy...this pic does not do this man justice...he is super yummy - RYAN BRAUN...

Look, he can't even concentrate - he must be thinking about ME while they took the picture... I have confessed to a few about my strange taste in men (other than Jeff... hee hee) and my infatuation with Tucker Carlson (not sure what the bow tie does for me) and Mike Greenberg, but this guy is just CEEEEEE-UTE! I don't want to date him, I just want him to come cut my grass...just some yard work, so I can watch him and eat my new favorite ice cream!

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Tricia said...

Okay, first off: I love ya - thank you so much for your emails & encouragement!

Next, I think RYAN BRAUN should be your pool boy! Seriously! He is yummy!

Lastly, I broke down & bought a PedEgg - I even grossed myself out! But man, did that thing work!

Much love and kisses to Alli & Mo!

Andrea said...

Yea! I love my Ped Egg, too. It's been getting quite a work out lately, too. Gotta have vacation ready feet, right? And I am glad you liked the color of lip gloss. I'll keep an eye out for pictures with you wearing it (hint hint)

Jenny said...

You crack me up! I also have a *thing* for Tucker Carlson. I like conservative men.

Guess I'll have to try the Ped Egg... but usually I just pay to have someone else grate my feet at the Salon.


jajbs said...

Just bought the Ped Egg tonight... love it! I also LOVE the Pampered Chef chopper... could not live without it!!! I also LOVE your new look... I am getting one as soon as I get my beach pictures this week!!!


Trina G. said...

I have imagined Tucker Carlson with JUST his bow tie on....hubba hubba he too could work on my yard while I'm enjoying a Bud Light.

Speaking of Lip smackees, I have tried them ALL and my all time fave is Avon's lip balms. Strawberry is the best. I buy them 5 at a time, and have them everywhere. car, desk, purse, bathroom, bedside table, kitchen window ledge....can't have enough.

Ruthanne said...

You are CRACKING me UP!! What do lip smackers do for my calorie count thoughout the day? lol

LOVE your new blog layout---very FANCY.

P.S.--I just added Ped Egg to my Target list. :)