Wednesday, July 16, 2008


A friend of mine, who has been going through some difficulty of her own sent me this link (thanks, girl!). To say it is inspiring is an understatement. I loved the story, but the video with it was so amazing... it just made me have a better day knowing that there are so many folks out there like this... if you have time ~ enjoy.

If life hands you lemons, make lemonade... don't be like me throwing the lemons at people! hee hee! I will enjoy my lemonade today... I hope that you do, too!


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Kelly said...

That is awesome I have read that before. Really puts my stupid so called problems in check. Ya know what I mean? Take Care and I love love love the blog- over

Kim & Dave said...

I, too, have heard the story before.

But, WOW! Sure puts things back in perspective, doesn't it?

Madelyn's Mommy said...

The first time I saw that video I just sat there and cried! I love that story.


Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

What a lovely story...I've read it many..many..times....

Be blessed.


Soltana said...

LOVE the new look, I'm just getting caught up too:)

Looks like the party was tooo fun!!!!

The cake looked even better:)

LOVE the picks of Mo in the dirt

Jenelle said...

That is just amazing. It made me cry--I'm so much more weepy then I used to be before I became a mom. :) I've seen those two on a talk show or something before, but I didn't know they did triatholons! Wow. Thanks for sharing!

Ruthanne said...

Wow. I feel like such a slacker after watching that. Amazing.