Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Baby Girl (and prayers)

Alli was my first baby and has brought me much joy in the past 13 years. She has a great sense of humor, although she often doesn't get the joke. She is a "good kid." I thank God for that everyday. She is helpful, responsible and kind. She sometimes prevents me from posting a lot about her (since you must ASK a 13 year old's permission to post her life, lol), but I know she would approve of me gushing compliments! :-) I know she is anxious to get those braces off soon! I just love the close ups of her!

I love my baby girl.


*Please pray for my friend, Julia as her father died unexpectedly. She has been a great support to me and many others through the adoption process and beyond. She continues to support the orphans of Guatemala by running a non-profit, the Global Orphan Team. Please visit her personal blog and offer prayers, add her to your prayer lists/chains, think positive thoughts about Jules in this time of sorrow. If you are able, please consider making a donation to GOT (by visiting their blog) in her father, James "Red" Jarman's name.

Thank you,

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Trina G. said...

I love that you have a camera again! She is gorgeous. When do her braces come off? How long has she had them?

Mandy said...

What a great post for your daughter!