Wednesday, November 19, 2008

She Bangs!

Other than Christmas shopping, not a whole lot has been going on at our house... I like it that way! I have to admit that Facebook is consuming some of my time... okay, more than I would like to admit...I always said I would never have one and was too old, but now that I have reconnected with SO many old high school friends and sorority sisters, I am thrilled!

My dad is on the mend after his final hip surgery and subsequent infection as a result of said surgery. Other than being on iv medication until mid-December, all seems to be getting back to normal for them! Thank you, again for your thoughts, prayers and kind comments!

Alli is fine... she is in between activities, so she is attending everyone else's activities. The pictures below are of her prior to leaving to attend a hockey game. This child does not let any grass grow under he feet that is for sure.

Mario is a wild man. He is picking up new words every so often... today it was APPLE SAUCE! It is hilarious. He probably thinks that we are SO odd since we keep making him repeat it! He is just so independent and wants to run constantly. I wish I had a smidgen of his energy. His constant movement and irritation when made to stop has caused a lull in picture taking. I have a few that I will post this week, but they are not that cute...or focused really... I should just take lots of him napping! lol!

I thought that I would at least update you with some random pictures. I cut bangs into Alli's hair (at her request, not mine) and thought you would like to see them. She complains when I ask her to have her picture taken... so I just do it until she gives up... you will certainly see the progression here:

get away from me, Mom.

ignoring you....

seriously, I will pretend that you are not even here...
starting to crack a little smile...

Fine, just take the stupid thing!

okay, enough already...


On a different note, a close friend of mine's son was quite ill this past week. I do not want to go into specifics for their privacy, but now that mostly everyone in town knows, I thought it would be okay to at least ask for prayers here for his continued recovery. It is amazing the healing power of prayer, and honestly, I saw it work this week. God took care of that little boy, and for that, I am grateful. I know that she reads my blog and will catch up once she is home in her own bed for the first time in a week... I love you, girl - no mom should have to go through the stress you have in the past week. God must have really given you strength.


Lastly, if you scroll below and click on Deanna and Brent's blog, they could use your prayers and well-wishes, too! She explains it best on her blog! Thanks!

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Kathy said...

Glad to hear your dad is doing well. Isn't it so fun when they start saying new words? Go Mario! Love Alli's bangs. She is so pretty. I will keep your friend and her son in my prayers.

Mandy said...

Whoa. Alli looks so grown up with bangs!Glad that you are all doing so well. I have been laying low too, I tend to do that in the winter. As for Facebook, love it! Woohoo for Mo learning new words. :-)