Why do things have to be so complicated? I do not have a firm grasp on all things financial, but it HAS to be easier than this. You see, adoptions right now are "time sensitive." There is this "Hague Convention" that I am not entirely clear about. All I know is that it relates to the US having to stop all international adoptions and has something to do with UNICEF. This is all supposed to get voted on in the Fall. To my understanding, people in the know (by the way, that is not in any chance Jeff and I) say that they are optimistic that if we have our paperwork filed (dossier) with the Guatemalan government and have received a referral (photo of baby), then we will be "grandfathered."
First, where does that term come from? It makes no sense. Anyway, we are nowhere close to that point due to a hold up at the BANK. ugh. We switched mortgage companies and refinanced in August. We closed our account with a bank (Bank A) that we had our mortgage through since 2001. We paid that. We had an appraisal done then in order to determine our rate through the new lender. We applied for a home equity line of credit through a different bank (Bank B) last week. Now Bank B is saying that Bank A never "satisfied" our loan. I called Bank A to ask them about this. They said they DID file the paperwork with the County Court BUT the court screwed up. I thought this was called passing the buck. Where does that phrase come from? It makes no sense either since you would be HAPPY getting a buck passed to you, right?
Anyway, I digress. Another thing is that Bank B will not accept our appraisal as it was done through a brokerage. What? Why? They just don't. More detail, please. Use your descriptive words, loan officers. So, another appraisal we will have. In the dead of winter when no one without a plow can make it up our driveway. Will that matter? Seriously, just give us a loan. I told my mom today that I was ready to kick some one's patootie, but cannot make it down my driveway. Thank goodness for that, because the one loan officer is top on my list. :-)
I am sure that it is a matter of public knowledge that adoptions are CRAZY expensive. They should not be. Kids need homes or live off the government in orphanages or foster care = US parents HAVE homes and are willing to raise said children. To me, it is a good scenario for the countries who have a surplus of children in need of parents. It will save them money in the long run. That is what it is all about for them, though - money. 30, 000 dollars for a child is worth it for me considering people pay more than that for a car, and we will get a baby. Good deal to me. I just think it should be easier, with the bank, with the adoption, etc.
I am still having a sense of humor about this. It is the first step. I just want a baby before Jeff is a "grandfather!"
I attached a family photo here for you to see. It is the same one in our profile. I also attached a picture of my girl! She is such a sweetie!
Hi Jill, Jeff and Allie...
Jill, your mom kindly shared the address of your blog with some of her "decorating friends"....
Being an adopted child also, I rushed right over here to tell you how thrilled I am for all of you.
Jill, you certainly have a gift for writing and I know I'm going to enjoy monitoring your experiences.
May God Bless you as your travel on this wonderful journey!! I will most certainly be keeping you in thoughts and prayers.
Most sincerely - Janice Vincent
(known to your mom as wallis104)
PS - You certainly are a beautiful family !!!
Hi Jill,Jeff and Allie!
I am also one of your Mom's decorating buddies(Jill,you should join us BTW).
I am caught up in your adventure because I am a twice chosen Aunt to a nephew and niece.
I will keep you in my T&P's as you continue this journey.
Hi Jill, Jeff, and Allie,
I am also one of your mom's decorating friends, and as was said by others, she shared your site with us. I am thrilled for you all as you begin the journey to getting your baby boy. A close cousin of mine is adopted, and we went through that process with her parents when she was born. The excitement we shared with them when we saw Katie for the first time is something I wil always remember.
I look forward to following your story, and may God Bless you.
I finally get to see my extended family in pictures!!! YEA! You all are just too gorgeous for words!
Hey guys - it's me Sharon - yep the one and only! I have to say this news is just the greatest and I know God will bless you with EVERYTHING you want!!
Stay strong and keep your heads up.... Allie be nice to mom for awhile she will be stressed every once in awhile. Just give her a hug and tell her you love her and all be ok! :)
I love ya guys - and I hope to see a new addition at my wedding!! :)
Sharon (NannyJ's internet daughter hehe)
Hello Jill, Jeff and Allison,
Your mom was kind enough to share your blog with me as well as the other posters on the decorating board.
Your first post brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful family picture and how exciting it will be when you are able to post a family picture with your son.
I hope the process goes smoothly for you and I am looking forward to reading your blog as you add to it.
Wishing you all the very best!!!
gelato (Nina)
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