"For certain things are not refused us,but their granting is delayed to a fitting time."
- St. Augustine
China was our country of choice for many reasons. We saw many television specials, talked to families who adopted from there and met all of the requirements. We had to wait until we were 30 to adopt from most countries, so on Jeff's 30th, we started looking more into things. We started the process when things started to change in China. In international adoption, you are at the whim of 2 governments - ours and the country's from which you are adopting. China changed its requirements, so we were unable to go through that program. There are things changing with the US about international adoption. We are hoping to "get in under the wire" before any major changes occur. Keep your fingers crossed! We researched the Guatemalan program. We saw that we qualified for everything and decided to contact a family in our area who have a daughter from there. They were so excited that we were going to do this. The mom is so helpful! They liked their experience and agency so much that they are on their way to adopt their son soon! We are going with the same agency who has most of their experience through this country. We feel confident with them.
Jeff and I applied for our loan last week and are ready to apply to our agency. We were required to select a boy or girl. With the China program, we did not have a choice, so we never even thought about having a son! Alli is so thrilled to have a brother. Needless to say, Jeff is over the moon excited about having a son! Getting a boy in Guatemala is a quicker process, so we are going with the advice of our agency. We will keep you posted on here in the LONG process of international adoption. We are hoping things all go smoothly. Keep us in your prayers!
Tips for the best relationships
7 months ago
Great idea guys!! I'll check in daily!
Jenn :)
I had no idea you were told to pick a gender with your agency. Huh. How weird. Yes, I'm going back and reading your entire blog! I'm weird, what can I say? That's why you love me!!!! Oh, and THANK YOU for not having the word confirmation on your comments, I can never read them right.
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