From the White House Release..."We also talked about adoption. I don't know if my fellow citizens understand this, but there are a lot of U.S. families who adopt babies from Guatemala, thousands of babies. This year it is very important for the United States and Guatemala to implement the Hague Convention on adoptions to help protect children and families during the adoption process. We found common ground on that issue. And I appreciate your strong stand, Mr. President, and I assured the President we would follow through, ourselves. "
I am optimistic that we will get in before any major changes are made. Things are moving long. Our home study is on the 25th. We are slowly preparing. I am feeling good about things, although suffering from insomnia. I am driving Jeff nuts as I move from room to room, watch t.v. and sigh loudly from frustration. Thank God he loves me, because I think that I would be out in the yard otherwise.We are impatiently waiting for some paperwork to come in, but other than that, nothing new. Thanks for following along!
Tips for the best relationships
7 months ago
Paper work has been the bain of every job I ever had! And none of it mattered as much as yours does. I did have to laugh at your description of your day and can just imagine you wandering around town with lipstick on your teeth
My impetus to get things started was the fact the my daughter's date would see the house when he picked her up for the prom. My husband almost sold me after that one!
It sounds like things are moving along. I'm keeping you in my prayers.
Bee (from Home Talk)
Dear Jill.... it was just 2 weeks ago when you posted "Signs, signs, everywhere a sign"....
Well to me, the fact that President Bush and the Guatamlan president spoke about adoption and THEN Bush mentions it in his speech is most certainly a GOOD SIGN !!
In my heart I believe as you... timing seems perfect !!
Prayers are being heard !!
Janice (Home Talk)
I want to send you my very best good wishes and praying the process is speedy. I do admire your courage.
cactus (Home Talk)
I know I just left a comment the other day, but your mom indicated that this might be a bit of a stressful week for you. I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about y'all during this time.
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