Let me bottom line it here people, I need more time. I know that you all are echoing, "Don't we all, Sister!" Seriously, if I could just have one more week extra here, I think that it would make all of the difference. I also realize that the longer I put off the paperwork, the longer it will take to get our second child, and I am already needing help from the coffee table to get off of the floor :-).
I started our MOUND of paperwork with the help from my friend whom I have mentioned in previous posts. I will refer to her as my "adoption elf." Everyone should have one - I highly recommend them. I took my packet of information that could have been written in Spanish (although it was not, I just did not understand any of it) to her house on Friday. I consider myself to be an educated person, but I swear, it is just so much. I know in the end it will be so worth it, but now while sitting amidst my piles and yellow sticky notes, I see no light at the end of the tunnel. She is fabulous, and again, I thank her.
My "adoption elf" deciphered the packets of requirements, and I still have emailed her and the agency four times to ask questions. Somehow in the midst my marriage, Jeff and I managed to lose our birth certificates. I know that we have to send for certified copies anyway, but seriously folks, that is funny. For those who know me as a volunteer, you know how completely overly organized I am, so where in the world are they? Oh, months from now, I will find them in the science fair files or in a cheerleading folder - they will be so helpful then!
We are getting the first stack notarized this week and mailing it in. It consists of a contract, release of info forms, etc. It also has a long list of names that we could possibly be known as. For anyone who is reading this and is not married, please dear Lord, do NOT hyphenate your name. I thought it was a good idea at the time, but it is different on all documents. It makes for more complications.
We have to wait for our Act 34 clearances and Child Abuse Clearance to come. We sent them on Saturday. We are applying for our birth certificates tomorrow. Marriage certificate will be obtained this week. Jeff got his employer's letter today and faxed Alli's pediatrician for her opinion of us. Hopefully it will be in this week. The agency will mail two sworn testimony letters to two people of our choosing who cannot be "friends, relatives or indebted to us" which is fun to try to think of. Who do you choose, the nice bag boy at Giant Eagle? They have to know both of us and be willing to get it notarized. That one was weird, but we got it taken care of. We have to wait to send our 1600A for immigration and fingerprints until we get our birth certificates. There is more, but it is midnight and my brain is fried.
Our home study is scheduled for March 25th. Yeah, that IS soon. She offered to come this weekend... ummm, NO! Everyone says it is "no big deal" but her opinion of us can make or break us - Holy Big Deal, Batman! I went shopping today to buy new "spruce up" things for the house (wreaths, kitchen rugs,, etc). I am so sure she is going to give a crap about the rugs, but it will make me feel better. (Let it be known that I did hold baby boy bunny slippers up looking at them for an unnecessary amount of time garnering looks from some people in K-Mart) I am insistent on painting the hallway up the stairs this weekend. We have been wanting to finish all of this time, but never got around to it. There is nothing like a person coming to analyze your home and all in it to get you finishing all of those last minute things. Who knew that all I had to do was schedule a home study, and my "honey do" list would start shrinking?
All the while, I am planning this science fair for the 23rd, Jeff is coaching a football team this fall and the clinic is every Monday in March, and we both serve on the softball board who is holding a clinic every Saturday in March,then Alli's gymnastics, batting classes, homework, etc, etc. etc.. More time, please!If you see me babbling wondering around town with lipstick on my teeth, please take me back home!
I am busy, but feeling the support from my friends. I thought that you would get a smile out of a day in the life. I am sure that you all can identify - especially those moms out there. What is the saying, one day at a time... is that the motto for Alcoholics Anonymous, too? funny.
Tips for the best relationships
7 months ago
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