"It may not be the way I would have chosen
When you lead me through a world that's not my home
But You never said it would be easy
You only said I'd never go alone
I will walk through the fire, if you want me to...."
This popular Christian song has been one that has been playing in my car over and over since this adoption planning has begun. It was on a burned CD that was given to me by a "teacher-friend" from Knoch when I was having some trying times. It is strange how the words of a song can be so inspiring at the time you need it years after she gave it to me.
The craziness at the Leskos just keeps on coming! Yesterday, we got our call that the lawyer from Guatemala was flying and landing in Pittsburgh at 11:02pm. She would then be flying to Philadelphia in the morning to sign papers with the second family. That is a super small window of time. Then we were told that we had to have 2 witnesses to sign with us. How do you get 2 people to go to the airport an hour away at 11 pm - well, you ask your parents! We got to the hotel where we were to meet (the hotel's name means "warmest greetings" in Spanish, so fitting)
at 10:45pm. Indira arrived close to midnight. Alli was thrilled that we may have to stay over with Nan and Pap, sort of thinking it was a mini-vacation. Jeff and I ended up driving her home to get sleep, so she could go to school. It was 2am when we got here! Boy was I tired from driving!
Indira, the lawyer, was amazing. She had flown all that way, and still looked like a million bucks. We signed over power of attorney as she translated all of the documents for us. It was great to hear her speak with her beautiful accent. I could have listened all day. She kept saying our son's name. Mario. Rolling her r's so perfectly.
We were asked to sign very neatly so that every letter was legible. My father, the pharmacist had the hardest time since when he writes, it looks as if he is doing it with his toes! It was hilarious. Once we were all signed, she translated the birth certificate. Apparently, the birth date was originally translated wrong. His REAL birth date is March 17th - St. Patrick's Day! I am excited about that since he is March 17th, and Alli is May 17th!
We were then able to give some small items to take with her to the foster family who is raising him for us. Jeff, Alli and I went shopping and bought 2 outfits that corresponded with one another. One was up to 7lbs, so he could wear it today - the other was 3 months. They all had hats, booties and bibs to match! I also put a blanket, stuffed lamb and 2 disposable cameras for the foster mother to take photos of his life. Knowing that Indira will be able to see and hold our son is wonderful since she got to meet us. She just kept hugging a kissing Alli and telling us how young we were! I could be around her all day to raise my self-esteem! :-)
The last thing we were asked was what was the child's name, so the foster mom could start calling him that. Jeff and I talked it over with Allison. We had originally wanted to name him Samuel John after our grandfathers. After looking at him, we see that he is not a Samuel. We have been calling him Mario for the last few days, and to be honest, it grew on us. Alli and her friends at school though Mario sounded "cool." We know no children or adults named Mario (other than the hockey player, which is pronounced differently - we are not big hockey fans). After hearing Indira say it a few times and realizing that his birth mother named him that, we thought that this would honor her unselfish nature of giving us her child. His name is Mario Lesko. For goodness sakes, it IS on a sticky note on his body, so how could we change it? lol! We will get back to you about his middle name. That we have some time to pick, thank goodness!
Thank you all for the names. Hopefully, it will help us to select a middle name. You all have been so great and supportive. I hope you are not getting sick of reading every detail of our lives. We want you all to be part of this with us. It helps to know that there are so many of your praying and sending out positive thoughts about this process! THANK YOU!
From Janice's comment (thanks Janice!): "The boy's name Mario \m(a)-rio\ is pronounced MAR-ee-oh. It is of Latin origin, and its meaning is "manly". It is pronounced like Margaret not Mary.
Jeff at I at midnight, right before meeting Indira.
OK..... now you've got me.... crying and crying.....
I love your reasons for keeping your adorable bambino's name as Mario....
lol - "For goodness sakes, it IS on a sticky note on his body, so how could we change it?"
And, as an adopted child.... this reason really touches my heart.... "...and realizing that his birth mother named him that, we thought that this would honor her unselfish nature of giving us her child. "
My mom always told me that I was "chosen.... picked out special"...." She also reinforced that my birth mother loved me so much that she knew she could not take care of me ... that she courageously let me go so my parents could raise me in the way that she would have wanted to.....
You are giving that same opportunity to Mario's courageous birth mother...... in her heart she wants the best for this adorable baby boy.....
Mario will have a combined Guatemalan/American heritage based entirely on a foundation of LOVE......
God Bless you Lil Mario Lesko.....
(Just have to add how beautiful everyone looks..... Grandmom, Granddad, Mom, Dad and Alli.....
Wow - excitment at midnight made you all absolutely glow !!!)
You know what? I was in a particularly sour mood this morning when I read this. Now I am crying from the sweetness of your story. I will never hear the name Mario again without thinking of y'all and how incredibley special his name is now.
I hope tings continue to go well for y'all.
Good job with the name guys. Progress, progress..... ooooooh soon he'll be here, then soon after that you won't ever believe you were nervous about the paperwork or nervous about whether things would go smoothly then soon after that you won't ever remember a time when he wasn't YOURS.... YOUR son your son your son your son. Doesn't that sound gooooood?
(friend of your Mom)
I read this with big tears in my eyes but such a happy heart for y'all. Baby Mario Lesko is a blessing in many, many ways. Cannot wait to see the whole family portrait...happy happy days ahead.
also a friend of you Moms
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