Our I600A forms were submitted a week or so ago, and on Thursday, we received the letter from USCIS to get our fingerprinting done! Woo Hoo! I was nervous because I was reading these horror stories about these dreadful waiting lines that people were in for hours and hours. Not the case on Good Friday! It truly WAS a good - Good Friday! We were concerned about the traffic on Route 28 which is SUCH a mess currently, so we avoided it by skirting around it and leaving at noon from our house (about an hour north of the city)! Sooo easy peasy! We zipped right down there, parked in a garage and then anticipated a bit of walking through the city on this blustery COLD SPRING day. Quite the contrary - Jeff and I walked out of the garage, and the office was right in front of us! We walked in and not a living sole was there except the employees! We filled out our forms where I asked the dumbest question ever.. as Jeff was filling out the same form for himself, he said he was waiting for me to ask it - "what does alien status mean?" Oh, the guys said if you are from Mars, you fill that line out. NICE! The fingerprints are computerized. Very cool little machine. It took a few tries to get mine, but it only took about 10 minutes for the entire process! How awesome is that? So, we now have to wait until those forms come back approved and fill out the next one! I am so anxious to get more photos of our little guy. I carry ours with us everywhere. We can't get enough of him. We will feel much better once everyone in Guatemala comes back after their break (Monday) to see if anything changes. Also, I will feel more at ease once the DNA tests are done (not for a while when the birth mother gets to see Mario again and can change her mind - ugh). That will make things a bit more final and will allow me some confidence to THINK about nursery stuff.
Thank you to ALL who have put us and Mario, his foster family, our agency, etc. on your prayer lists! It never hurts to have more prayer! We pray this Easter that you are healthy and happy and filled with love. We are grateful to have all of YOU in our lives. 

Here is a picture of Alli with her science fair trophy for first place in weather science! She also made it for the District Art Show! We are very PROUD!
Way to go Allie!
glad Good Friday was trly good to y'all. Hoping that everything else goes just as easy!
I forgot to tell you who I was. Maybe after bouts of stupididty like that, I should reamain anonymous, huh?
Anyway, it's Bee hoping and praying for things to go well!
I am glad things went extremely smooth on Friday. With it being a holiday for everyone but the federal government, not many people traverse to the Big City unless they have to. It is a beautiful city however; and how great that you and Jeff got through this next step with ease on Good Friday. Please slap me if I EVER ask any stupid ?????s. (You know you can).
Kim (a/k/a Mikie's mom!)
Whoo hoo, glad things are moving along smoothly! Congratulations to Allie on the win!! She's such a talented little girl! Just like her mommy ;)
Love you all
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