Our agency director wrote us an email last night saying this:
"I also got your dossier(minus the police) back from the Consulate, and the police came back from the Harrisburg courier. The dossier goes tomorrow to Guatemala, and the police clearances go tomorrow for authentication."
This is awesome news. Our dossier is all of the paperwork that needs to go to Guatemala! It is in their hands now. The police clearances needed to be notarized in Harrisburg which is different than everything else, so it takes an extra step!
We appreciate all of your prayers throughout all of this. It has REALLY helped. Pray for our papers to go quickly through the Guatemalan government with NO KICK OUTS! Now if only I can patiently wait for photos each month without checking the email 350 times per day....
Tips for the best relationships
7 months ago
Hi Jill, Jeff and Allison....
Jill - I'm actually in Chicago visiting our son and DIL and family......
God Bless your darling mom.... she had sent me a private message on our "design board".... she actually noticed I was MIA.....
I messaged her back and asked if there was any news as I didn't bring your blog address with me...
Congrats on your dossier speeding its way to Guatemala....
Thinking of and praying for you always....
If all goes well and there are no KICK OUTS (which there won't be 'cause we are praying really hard!) how long will it be before he comes home?
I, too, am continuing to pray for y'all. You are a special family already.
WOO HOO!!!! Dontcha just love that word, dossier..... if you didn't feel amazingly important already to be blessed to be in this process of given a baby - wow have you ever actually said that out loud? GIVEN A BABY..... okay back on subject, if you didn't feel like the most blessed VIPs already, now you have a DOSSIER. A DOSSIER. Sounds like a James Bond thing, doesn't it. Hee hee.
My, my. We're moving right along. Soon you're gong to be rocking your boy and you won't believe you were ever worried about kickouts. ;- >
Many Blessings,
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