I know that I haven't blogged for a while, but seriously... nothing was happening. Life was happening, but nothing with the adoption. Until now...
As I have written before with my limited knowledge on the subject from reading and talking with those "in the know", there have been some issues with Guatemalan adoptions. The United States is trying to get Guatemala to pass the Hague which apparently is a special set of criteria that the governments would have to meet before an adoption would go through. To say that we were for or against this is not even possible. It is complicated, and there are good things about both passing and not passing this. Selfishly, I want it to pass after Mario is home. I know that it is probably best for all adoptions, but I just don't want things to move any more slowly than they are!
Apparently, in the past several weeks, this has gone through the Guatemalan Congress and passed 2 of the 3 times as they require 3 readings there (see the article in the NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/16/us/16adopt.html?_r=2&oref=slogin&oref=slogin). Yesterday was the final "vote/discussion" to see if it would be put into action now.
THE ANSWER IS NO!!!!!!!!!! Not yet! Congress (there) is on break until August 1st! At that point, it may (and probably will) be put into action. If it does go through, it has been stated by the US that any in process cases are safe to go through - you have to have a I600A filed - well...
WE DO! It was just received yesterday there, and we should get the call next week (fingers crossed) that our DNA testing will be scheduled. It is still 8-10 weeks until we exit Family Court and get Pre-Approval and can enter into the final stage of the government there (PGN). Most people are in PGN for 4 plus months.
I am just relieved that this summer I can stop stressing over this "will it pass, won't it pass" stuff and focus on preparing for a child to come into our home. I came downstairs from the "office" which I am in now - the future nursery - and said to Jeff, "Do you realize that as early as December we could have a baby living here, and WE HAVE NOTHING!!!!" It just hit me how much I had done for Alli's nursery at this point, and I have thought of nothing. Ahhhhh. So long I have just shoved the possibility to the back of my mind as not to get too attached to him. The "what ifs" were eating me up. People would say, "are you excited?" and our dry response would be off-putting to them... not sure what to feel, think, do. Now I am starting to feel a bit. Odd. There is still the possibility of the Birth Mother changing her mind at the DNA... the day I have been dreading. I just want that over with, so I can breathe. I cannot imagine the agony of holding your child for the very last time. I spend lots of time "holding on" for dear life to Alli. I was 20 when I had Alli - the same age as Mario's birth mother. I remember how I felt. Now Alli is turning 12 tomorrow. I cannot believe how time has flown by. What a great kid.
Check back this week or next for NEW PHOTOS. I live for them. I can't wait to see how much he has grown. Keep praying, folks, it seems to be working so far!
Tips for the best relationships
6 months ago
Jill - thanks for the update... Good Golly... it is just so involved, isn't it?
Meantime, there's an adorable lil guy growing cuter and cuter and waiting patiently to come to his forever home.... (even if his room isn't decorated) !!
hugs - janice
I had no idea what you had to go through. But I have recently seen the power of prayer and am counting on it to get you through this and have your baby come home as soon as he can.
And I bet when he gets there, he will have all he needs.
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