Monday, June 18, 2007

Go, Go Jackets - HEY, Go Jackets!

I thought titling this entry with my favorite FHS Cheer would be fitting for our GREAT NEWS!

Jeff is officially the PRINCIPAL of Freeport Area High School!


If you do not already know, Jeff has been working as an Assistant Principal of a middle school that is an hour drive on a good day. Today, in fact, was NOT a good day - 2 HOURS of traffic. Not good for your health, not to mention the gas prices.

He is sad to leave all of the great folks he has met there. He never thought that he would love the middle school setting as much as he did, but the staff and kids really made it a super experience for him. We know that they all understand that passing this promotion up would be silly considering he really COULD walk to work (although he would look rather funny in his suit hauling butt up the hill - lol!). He resigned today, but is not sure when he will officially start. It will be staggered as they need to find someone to fill his position there.

Jeff is excited beyond words. He is WAY ahead on his 5 year plan... gotta love a man with a plan! I am lucky I know what I am doing tomorrow! :-) He really wanted to be a Principal of a high school by 35 - well, he is 31! Sheesh.

The Freeport community is the best place on EARTH - which is why I never left, and he moved here. He has already been met with such a warm reception. We are still planning to stay in all of our voluntary roles, along with taking on some new. It was my last year for the science fair. The softball team is in playoffs - starts in 2 weeks, so that will end soon. Jeff is an Assistant Coach there. Youth Football starts in July - Jeff is a coach, and I advise the girls.

There was one other thing that was added. They needed a Junior Varsity Cheer Advisor, so my good buddy and I said we would help them out - so a new job for me! The girls are GREAT, so it is a fun experience. It will be tough to tackle (pun intended) all of this, but we can do it.

What will Mo think of all of this when he arrives? What a crazy family he is coming to! lol! I think that by then, the whole community will be lovin' him to pieces!

3 month old photos are late... I am not a happy camper. I want them... staying up late tonight, hoping they will arrive... I will post once they do.

GOOOOOOO JACKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

sounds like God is really smiling on your family right now ! Congratulations on the awesome new job's great to be able to work so close to home...I have a feeling that Jeff will be coming home for lunch in the fall so that he can see baby Mario during the day :)

KimIndy (HTE)

Anonymous said...

"Good things come to those that wait upon the Lord!"


Tricia said...

Hello Jill! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :) I'm THRILLED to follow your journey to adopt Mario and I'm praying you will have the patience & strength EACH DAY as you wait for PA!!

A BIG CONGRATS to Jeff on the NEW JOB!!

As my Grandma always said: "God always gives His best to those that leave the choice to Him."

Take care!

Anonymous said...

I check your blog ALL the time!
I am so anxious to see the 3 month old pictures!
You are right about one thing...
this baby is already loved by the whole community!
I can't wait to squeeze those cheeks at the football field!
What a precious life that God has entrusted your family with!
Linda H.

Keri said...

I finally got caught up, and boy did I miss a lot! I'm so excited for Jeff and his new job!
Congratulations to you all!
So much excitement awaits, and I'm very excited for you.
Now that we'll be closer (a DRIVABLE distance) I am assured that I'll be able to share some of it with you more often!