Okay, so in the midst of all of the crazy activities, life just happens... yesterday, we were in between school/work and the start of cheerleading/football when we hear our neighbors frantically calling their dog. Jeff, in his suit, and I head on out to see if all is okay. We know how much they love their dog like we are slightly obsessed with ours, so we want to help. They had lost their golden retriever mix in our woods, perhaps - at this point, we have no idea where he could have gone. So, off Alli and I go driving to all of the neighbors (those who live in cities probably don't DRIVE to neighbors, but we do here - lol) to see if they have seen the dog. Jeff goes in and changes and is running through our woods with the dogs parents :-). About 20 minutes later, the dog emerges from the woods, just pleased as can be that everyone is there to play with her. Darn Dog! I felt so sorry for my neighbor who was crying, so what does any good prospective adoptive parent do - CRY WITH HER - lol! We were so happy to be able to help and were glad that they found their baby!
So, today, we came home to find a VERY nice thank you note and pumpkin cookies from the local grocery from them. (This isn't Mayberry, but people here still do borrow cups of sugar!). Anyway... after supper, I read the ingredients of the cookies since Alli is VERY allergic to peanuts, walnuts, tree nuts - well - NUTS! There was nothing listing along the lines of nuts, but sure enough, one bite in, she was freaking out... "my tongue is itchy!" NOT something that you want to hear from your child! After breaking my cookie in half, sure enough - a GREAT BIG WALNUT was in there! So, here she is running to the bathroom to spit out the remainder of the evil cookie and brush her teeth while Jeff is getting Epipen in hand, digging in the closet for Benadryl tablets, and I am calling the Allergist who is on speed dial! Good Lord!
I get him at home, and he talks me down from me feverish howler monkey voice to a normal range fit for our dog to be in same the room with me. He is wonderful and tells me that I can give her the Benadryl and watch her. She hived up a little, had a bit of trouble breathing, but not too bad and swelled a bit in the tongue. She settled down after the medicine went through her a bit.
Good Grief! It is amazing how just hanging out watching tv and doing homework can just change into crazy panic in an instant. It is several hours later, and she is sleepy, but good. How scary!
Oh, and I called the grocery store (a large chain) to tell them that they need to remove the cookies from the shelves and re-label them... she told me to call in the morning and talk to the manager... are you serious? I sure hope no one with nut allergies bought those before I call in tomorrow! UGH!
Hopefully, I will have a boring post tomorrow! I am always hoping for news... now, I am hoping for an uneventful day!!!! :-)
UPDATE: Alli was fine all night as I sat up bedside checking her for breathing... okay, you say neurotic, I say good mom - lol. She popped up and went right to school. Funny girl. I did call the grocery first thing in the morning. The manager admitted the mistake (although blamed the computer for the omission - oh, and blamed the new girl on staff the night before) and said he fixed it... as my Grandma Gesko would say - I "gave him the business" meaning I told him how serious this was and how scared and disappointed I was. I just thought that you all would want to know! Thanks for worrying about my little bubbie!
Tips for the best relationships
6 months ago
Hi Jill.... I'm exhausted - lol, I ran through the woods with Jeff and your neighbors... then began to hyperventilate worrying about Alli...
I believe the store employee was totally in the wrong.. sounds like he/she was just being lazy/apathetic.
Hope you have a professional and understanding reaction from the store manager in the morning. I know I'd sure mention the unprofessional reaction you got this evening....
You acted as a responsible parent of a child who has a SEVERE reaction to nuts... Your notification may just save them and the manufacturer from a major law suit - that is, if they follow through as a responsible, pro-active business.
lol - how's that for my $.02 ???
fondly, janice
Wow! That was a CRAZY day!! I am so glad Alli is ok!!!Sheesh!
I know about that crying thing....I seem to be doing it over EVERYTHING lately! :)
Hope you have an un-eventful rest of the week! Unless, it is SUPER good news about your case!!
Well, I wanted to cry when y'all found the dog and, fortunately at this point in time, I am not going through anything traumatic. We love all 3 of our pets like that and have gone out in many thunderstorms to bring one kitty in- he's afraid of thunder and lightning.
Man, you sure kept your head when Alli ate the cookie! Even if your voice scared dogs all over the neighborhood. Glad she didn't have any lasting problems. And shame on that store. Somebody may not be as well prepared as y'all were.
So glad Alli is okay. That nut allergy can be so dangerous. Stick with calling the store to make sure this doesn't happen to anyone else. Who knows what else they have that could make your own daughter sick.
Youhave more patience than I would have had. I would have DEMANDED the manager and if I didn't have some one to talk to in 5 minutes I would be at that store waiting!!!
Ok.. I'm none ranting. :)
I'm glad she's ok :)
Have a great rest of the week :)
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