It is week 8 in PGN, and my "waiting patience" is wearing thin. As I know, like all of us in the "biz" know, there is no rhyme nor reason to the PGN. I know that there are people in for months and months and those in for weeks. I really have no reason to complain about 8 weeks. I also understand that there were some delays this week due to something happening in PGN 'not too pleasant' and due to a holiday, but I was just hoping to hear, "You are Out!" this week. As the week draws to a close, I am feeling that this is not going to happen for us at the time I think that it will. I am just anxious, that is all. I do pray that we did not make it this far only to get kicked out and have to start over again. Not cool. Not cool at all. I vote NO on that happening.
Throw me a bone, Barrios, throw me a frickin' bone. lol.
Now, why I am I "crying" then... well, what we look forward to most here at the Lesko house is photos of our little Mo. Each month, like clockwork, I get my daily dose of my little man via internet. Not so, this month. The doctor's camera broke. Seriously. I called my agency to see about an update, and they told me that this is what happened. I know some of you non-adoptive parents reading this probably think that I am weird, but those photos really are like crack. I cannot be the only one who thinks this way. I check the email around that date about 500 times a day. My mouse is worn out from the constant click on the "send/receive" button. When those photos did not come, I cried. I sat here like a ninny and cried. I thought, one more month without seeing his eyes to know he is okay. I just need that face time.
Needless to say, steer clear of me this week. I may be short tempered, I may cry. I can if I want to - you would cry too if it happened to you. :-(
Tips for the best relationships
6 months ago
Girl, hang in there!! I was in your place just last week. It was the most anxious I had felt in 8mths.
I'm expecting to hear GOOD things soon about baby boy!!!
Hang in there.... it's gonna be over soon...
Keeping my fingers crossed ofr good news ASAP...
you can cry, I'll cry with ya..I'm always up for a good cry :)
LOVE from VA
I friend of mind didnt get pictures of her little girl this month either, likely the same doc that Mario is seeing. We are overdue for our medical report and pictures - as usual - so I don't know if we will get pics or not. They are definitely like crack. You can't stop looking at them because they make you so happy, yet so sad to see your little boy growing up without you. Then you want more more more!!
OH wow those emotions are way too familiar. I was a basket case going into the 9th week of the PGN pit. I SO FEEL like you are going to be though ANY SECOND!! Mario is going to be home before you know it!
Praying your you and your case!!
There have been several outs lately. Hopefully you are next.
btw, can't the dr. afford to buy a new camera? Good grief!!
I'm votin' "NO" with you! And I tink we should take up a collection and buy that doctor a camera. I would send you a picture of me, but I'm not nearly as cute. It could make you laugh hyesterically or it could make you cry harder!
Hang in there. It's your turn.
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