Woo Hoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are OUT of PGN, and WE FEEL GOOD... everybody sing along!
What does that mean, you ask? Well, along with us having to do a lot more paperwork in the next few weeks - not to mention having to buy EVERYTHING but furniture and bedding since I would not even allow myself to really look, there are a few more steps... we are guessing on time frames based on some we have seen...
1. The adoption public deed (decree?) needs to be signed by birth mother (we think that this happened today, but we are not positive).
2. The deed is submitted to the Civil Registry to get the new birth certificate with OUR last name on it! Woo Hoo! (2-3 days to register based on where he was born)
3. The birth certificate/passport is taken to the U.S. Embassy. That means we will be ORANGE, which is a slip of paper stating that they are permitted to obtain the final DNA test (we are hoping by Halloween)
4. The DNA test is taken (to ensure that the baby we were referred is the same baby at the end) and sent to US with the final report sent back to the Embassy (hoping by second week of November?)
5. US Embassy then gives the "PINK" slip with our US Embassy appointment date
6. Jeff goes to Guatemala for the interview appointment at the US Embassy (he will be there about 4 days)
7. Then HOME HOME HOME HOME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This will be the BEST Christmas EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! We will have him for his FIRST CHRISTMASSSSSS!!! How awesome! I better get painting and shopping and - well, I better get ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tips for the best relationships
6 months ago
I am so very happy for you! This is a wonderful day! May the next few weeks pass quickly as you prepare for Mario's arrival! "Home
for the Holidays" certainly will be most appropriate! What a very special time for the 3 of you!
We are sooooooooooo excited for you guys!!!! Mo, you wont believe how many people have been waiting for your arrival! You will be smoothered with lovin'. What a wonderful Christmas present you have become, little man. This is the best news ever! Can't wait to hold him. Congrats Jeff, Jill, Alli, Grandma and Grandpa.
Kim, Adam, "Buttercup" and Mikie
Jill, Jeff & Alli,
Praise God...what wonderful news.
I am so happy for all of you. I know you have had a horrible week, just remember, Mario is what is the most important thing right now!! Don't sweat the small stuff...they are NOT worth your time. Mario...I can't wait to see your sweet face so I can kiss those little cheeks! You all know that Mario is going to be one very
"loved and spoiled" little boy in this little village of ours!! Can I please have a number at the top of the list of friends to meet this precious child?? LOL
Merry Christmas early!!!!!
Oh, it will be a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS at your house this year!
Congratulations on your PGN out! Just when you were ready to throw in the towel for the week, the good news came!
Yea!!! Congratulations, very exciting. I hope the rest goes quickly...enjoy the getting ready!
What awesome news! I am truly thrilled to tears for you guys! This will be an amazing Christmas, and I'm so happy I'll be there to meet your precious new son!
This news makes our week, too - we needed to hear something good!
Again, congratulations to all of you!
Aunt Sandy says YES, YES, YES!!!!
This is terrific news. I'm sitting here sniffling now and can't wait to tell everyone! Christimas is always a wonderful family event -- but this year will be special for a lot of reasons!!!!
OMG OMG OMG why didn't you call me, even it was LATE at night!! You had a good feeling today, learn to trust your gut!! I'm so excited....sooo excited!!
Can't wait to see that little guy, can't wait to see you WITH little Mo!!
We are so happy and excited for you. Congratulations! Now the fun begins. Happy shopping and painting! We can't wait to meet little Mo!
Jaime and Jason
This comment is for Mario:
I just hope one day when you are old enough to understand, you can grasp how much your family wanted you in their lives and how much they needed you to make their family circle complete! You are loved not only by your mom,dad and sister...but by this whole community in which you are growing up in! God certainly answers prayers!
Love, Linda H.
OMG!!! I'm so happy for you, I know this has been a really hard week! That is AWESOME news!! Congratulations!!!
OMG I was just getting ready to cut off the cp for the day and I sais let e check on Jill!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS!!!!
CONGRATS.... YAYA that cutie will be home before you know it!!!!
I'm singing!! Praise God!! It will be a great Christmas for all of you.
Congratulations. One more step towards Mo's homecoming. Looking forward to seeing all at the next family gathering.
Love, Wendy, Rob, Kat, & Liz
We are so excited for you! We cannot wait to see little Mario. What a great time to come home just in time for the holidays. It will be one of your best Christmases! What an answered prayer that you will get him before all the changes. The best Christmas present ever for all of you!
Aunt Diane, Uncle Brad, Amber & Jordan
How awesome is this?!?! I kept watching to see if you were out when I noticed everyone who entered PGN around the same time was getting out -- and now you finally have made it too!!! What a great Holiday this will be!!!
Our dossier is finally on its way but still no I-171H :-(
Jill, Jeff & Alli: What wonderful news!!! I check every day for good news and was so happy to read this morning your message of joy. We can't wait to meet our new cousin. Love and God's blessings to you all. Debi, Wayne & family
ROCK ON!!! We are so excited for you!!! This is AWESOME news!!!
I bet we end up traveling at the same time!!!
Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful!!!
HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?! We are SO PRAYING for a speedy Orange and Pink!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is awesome! Merry Christmas to you! :)
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I havent even read your whole post yet because I was just too excited!!!! Yayayayayayayayayayayayay!!!!!!
What wonderful news.
Rachel's birthday buddy will finally be right where he has always belonged!! You really can't ask for a better Christmas gift! Congrats....and get baby-proofing!
Merry, Mark, Jacob and Rachel Cerneskie
What a blessing!!!! YIPPEE!!!! Happy and relieved doesn't even begin to describe this feeling. All of you must be bouncing off the walls. Looking forward to seeing pix of the whole family.
Beth, Steve and Dalton
Congratulations! I am so happy for all of you. It will be so nice to have Mario home for christmas.
Lori M
Merry, Merry Christmas!!! This is like a present for all of us. I am soooo happy for y'all!
Congratulations to your family!! My heart leapt for joy today as I read your posting. We remember this day like it was yesterday. When they place him in your arms for the first time, all the bad tears and anguish will disappear. They will be replaced with happy tears!! Believe me when I say that they will flow and flow. We look forward to meeting Mario at church.
Mark, Vicki, Abby and Caleb (aka Ricardo) Uhrinek
Where have I been to have missed this????
Mario is coming home!!!!!
Waaaahoooooooooo!!!!!!! I am so so so so so excited for you guys!!!
You are totally right....what a wonderful Christmas it will be!!
OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am behind on my blogs since we are in Guatemala. I am SO EXCITED for you. That precious baby boy is COMING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know you will enjoy your weekend-- He may just make it home for a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration-- that will be my prayer!!
Oh My Goodness !!!!
I stopped to check if new photos had arrived..... But read this wonderful news !!!
I'm so excited for you ALL!!!
Praise God.... What a joyous time !!
This is wonderful news! Won't be long now. You'll be so busy getting ready the time will fly by. Jill, I couldn't be happier for you. Well, yes I can, when you hold him in your arms! I used to watch Adoption Stories on tv. I wish your first moments would be filmed. I'd love to see your eyes and your mom's eyes the first time you two hold your little man.
That is the best news I've heard in along time !!! I am so happy for your family! What a great Christmas gift! I know Nanny must be excited about having a new grandbaby to spoil :)
Hoping that the next few weeks fly by ....for ALL of US !'s that for my own little selfish angle on the situation ?!?
CONGRATULATIONS on making it to this most important milestone!!
We are so happy to hear Mario will be home for Christmas. Hopefully we'll get to meet him one of these days when we are home.
Carol Ann,Phil, Erin and Andrew
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How awesome!!! Yes....get ready because he's coming home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just heard the wonderful news from your mom. Congratulations to all of you! Orange and Pink must be 2 of your new favorite colors :)
This will certainly be a very VERY Merry Christmas.
WooHoo Mario is coming home!!
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