I have been worried about Mario and his transition to the U.S. I think that all adoptive mothers stress about the same things at the end of the process. I have spoken with our pediatrician on how he may react once he comes home. Our priority is him when he gets here, and anything that we can do to make it better for him and for us as a family, we will do. Our pediatrician recommended many sites on attachment/bonding. She suggested that we get a "snuggly" or baby carrier and even suggested one that was best for babies legs/torso. We bought it. I have worn it around with a stuffed animal, and fought the urge to put the dog in it! Our pediatrician has been great. It is just hard to communicate ALL of this information to everyone who is just as excited as we are to get this boy home.
We have the most loving family and live in the most warm community, that I really think that everyone is so "in it" with us that when he comes home, it will be hard to say no to anyone who wants to see him, love him, hold him - but we will have to. We will need to allow him some time to adjust. He may do this rather quickly, or he may take time. In the meantime, we just need to make sure he feels safe and secure with us and does not think that we will be giving him away to anyone. I know that you all understand - I also know that most of you already know all of this, or have heard me stressing about it. I am a little nervous about his transition since I have read so many others stories about how difficult the first month or so is. I want him to just love me right away - don't we all feel that way about our babies? In his first month home, he will need to go to various doctors appointments at Children's and even get circumcised. Poor Baby! I cannot even imagine coming to this climate, away from all of the family you know and be poked and prodded.
I thought that this site explains attachment well. It really helped me to see the importance of us being the only ones who feed, change and soothe him for a while. It also will reassure you that I am not some crazy mom who is keeping everyone away. I love that everyone has been so supportive, so it pains me that I will have to say no at first. It may take a while, but he is well worth the wait. As soon as he seems ready, we will be out and about visiting all of YOU! I know that you all understand, but I thought that it would help to read a bit about these things that I stress about. Thank you for all of your support and understanding this unique situation. I think that the "form letter" says it well, so I thought that I would just post it by clicking HERE
Tips for the best relationships
6 months ago
I am so glad you posted your note.
Yes, we are all so excited to meet Mario!...but we all understand what your family needs to do. I have been reading other "Guat" adoption blogs and have really had my eyes opened. I never realized all that you have been dealing with, and I give you all the credit in the world, because I don't think I could do it. Your family is so deserving of this baby. The end IS coming soon and we will all get to LOVE on Mario in due time. You have been waiting a LIFETIME for Mo, we have been waiting for months. I promise I will not stalk your house...as long as you post some pictures so I can get my fix!!! LOL
Love ya bunches,
You know I'll be sitting here patiently waiting for your phone call.
If people don't understand when you say "no" then they'll get over it. You worry about Mo and the family first :)
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