Sheesh, what has been going on here at the Lesko's. Recap - took mom shopping Saturday - fun!
Saturday night went with Jeff to the high school play - it was cute - what talent! I loved being in the plays, so it brought back memories being in my old school where I was on stage a LONG time ago. It looks so much harder now. Oh, to be young and brave!
Saturday was Mario's 8 month birthday! No photos for 2 months has really gotten to me. I really need to see his face. I am trying not to think or talk about it much.
Sunday - tried to get moving on shopping for Mario and Christmas by going to the mall with Jeff and Al.
Monday - Alli woke up with a belly ache. A few minutes later - ugh. Poor kid. Then Murry (the Fighting Shih tzu) saw her get sick, and he had sympathy, so he decided to get sick all over the place. SERIOUSLY. Only we would have a DOG with sympathy vomiting! I was at whits end cleaning up. Poor Alli. Poor Murry. Alli lost weight, that is how sick she was in 24 hours. She is so hilarious though. Such a trooper. She would look up and say, "seriously, this stinks." I agree. Being sick does stink. I kept her home today to get her to eat, but she is on the mend. She asked for a BIG MAC! Heck NO!
On the adoption front - and really the reason you all are here :-) - our visa is m.i.a. It is supposed to be at the National Visa Center, but no record of it yet. Our agency urged us to contact our congressman and senators. We have been emailing, calling and talking with them throughout the weekend and week. Congressman Altmire has been FANTASTIC. His office has been so on top of things and helped put me at ease. I really feel that they are in our corner. Not sure how much they can help us, but they are trying.
They are to call tomorrow with answers. It can't be soon enough. Who knows. It would be nice t have a general idea when he is to come home. Every time we have some idea, something changes. We will get through, we are just wanting to have him here. In our arms. Now.
I will post once we hear from our congressman tomorrow. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Pray for Mario in Guatemala. Pray that he attaches to us and bonds with us. It will be so difficult for him.
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