Christmas Morning, we were here at our house... here is our tree with gifts under it for Alli and Mario!
Here is the forced "coming down the steps photo that my parents MADE us do when my brother and I were little.. we were allowed to come down until we did the picture.. now Alli is beyond the "questioning" state, so she just comes down, and we "re-create" :-)

Alli got a BIG shock when she got her orange ENV cell phone... she never thought in a million years she was getting this.. she could NOT understand why her texting was not working on her old phone and kept trying to call the Verison store... thank goodness it was Christmas break! Isn't THIS the reaction that all Moms want?

This was taken at my mom and dad's... we open presents with them for brunch. My mom got the WOW reaction from Alli, too with a Dooney and Burke purse and wristlet! Way to go Nanny!

This pic is hilarious... my dad would say that the baby has the appropriate reaction since it is a Notre Dame hat! I just thought that they both looked so weird, and funny!

My dad giving Mo a Lump of Coal... that has been in our family for YEARS... I got it in my stocking as a joke... although with my smart mouth, I certainly deserved it! lol!

Our first attempt at a family photo...I know that Cameo will love this since she loves those crying baby shots as much as I do... so funny!
Great pictures Jill! I can see how Mario might have gotten overwhelmed. So much at once and cutting teeth to boot. Hope your colds are on their way out now.
Alli is gorgeous, as always!
Thank you for sharing your Christmas.
I just got caught up...with everything going on it's been crazy!!
I'm sooo glad he got to get out...well you too :)
Looks like you guys had a great christmas!!
LOVE the pic of Alli's face with her new phone...PRICELESS..
And the cute pic of Mario witht he hat LOL..I LOVE IT!!!!
I'm just getting caught up on blogs. Mario is so cute and it looks like he is growing a lot! Looks like you had a great Christmas too!
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