Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Eve!

This little one went from not seeing ANYONE to seeing everyone in a few short days. We were so happy to share his with everyone, but BOY he voiced his displeasure for our choice loudly. It was a month of being at home, seeing only us and really crying for 5 minutes here and there. People would ask us how he was, and we would tell them he was doing well, not crying much at all and sleeping well. I then would follow up that I hate to even say that since it was not a true environment he was in... most families leave the house WITH their babies on occasion!

Christmas in our family is busy. Isn't everyone's? I really want to enjoy Christmas, but always feel like I need an extra day to just slow down and take it all in. Jeff's parents came down a few days before Christmas to see the baby for the first time. He did great that day!

He got his stitches removed that Friday, and did really well. My dad's birthday is the 22nd, so we visited him at my parents (a 1/2 mile from here) with the baby! He was good that night.

The next night, my Grandma (called Gummie by the grandkids), Aunt Sandy (Mom's sister) and Uncle Dan come in from Maryland to stay with my parents for a few days. They have done this for as long as I can remember. It is so nice to see them, and for us all to get together! The 23rd, my brother, sister-in-law, their 3 kids, Jeff, Alli and I all went for supper to visit. The baby was fussy, not too bad, but more than normal.

Christmas Eve, we have dinner with everyone and open gifts with my brother and his family.
Christmas Morning, we open gifts here, then head to my mom's again to open gifts with them.

This all proved to be too much for the baby. We realize now that this was because he (and Jeff and I) were getting colds with sore throats and aches. We are all still sick and very unhappy campers. I started with it Christmas Day in the evening. The day after Christmas Jeff's parents were down, and I was pretty sick. The baby got it the day after, then Jeff today. Yuck. Really, this baby's head is pretty small, where does all of that snot come from? I know, gross. He STILL has the rash, a drippy nose cold that makes him sound like a Hoover when eating a bottle, and BOTH bottom teeth poked through - poor kid! We go back to see the derm on the 2nd... where do they send us from here...voo doo? :-) I swear if I thought that it would clear up the rash, I would be sewing the doll right now! :-) Not wanting to sound like Debbie Downer -Christmas WAS wonderful. How could it not be? We got the greatest gift we could have every dreamed of, and for that, we are thankful!

*Jeff did meet with the attorney yesterday, and the court date for the readoption should be sometime in February! Mario will finally be a US citizen - right now he is a legal alien which makes Alli laugh that her brother is an alien! :-) Enjoy our Christmas pics! I hope yours was as joyous as ours!
Jeff and my attempt at a self portrait... don't you just love seeing up my nose?
My SUPER Aunt Sandy! She is FANTASTIC!

My sister-in-law, Vicki with her little "twin" daughter, Riley

My brother, Jack, whose expression is funny here... so Jack!
Riley LOVED the baby... I mean REALLY LOVED the baby!
My so talented mother who hosts all of us EVERY year... I could not do it... she has a flair for decorating... look at that ironing board Santa behind her that she hand-painted... she is amazing!
My father, who loves his funny shirts... we get his one every year... the baby should have one that says "everyone thinks I am cute till I Poop!"Kids love my dad... he is like Benadryl for babies... we think he soaks his clothes in the stuff (him being a pharmacist and all)

Gummie Gesko and her first great granddaughter, Alli!
Jeff and his goofy son!
Alli and Riley
You know that I HAVE to have the extreme close up!
My grandmother surrounded by all of her great grandkids!


Cameo said...

I LOVE the extreme close up! And thanks for my pic! Glad to hear that everything went well. Now if you could only find out what Mario has!!!!! Happy New Year! Sorry, don't mean to be using up all the exclamation points, just happy for you. !

Jenny said...

I am so glad you finally get to leave the house! Yeah.

I love your dad's shirt. That is totally something my dad would like.

Happy New Year. -Jenny

Anonymous said...

Can little Mo's eyes possibly get any rounder? I love those big brown "cartoon eyes" of his! I swan, I just wanna scoop him up and smooch his adorable face. Oh, our youngest grandaughter just turned a year old and she's a licker too. What's up with that, huh? Now, please tell me where you got your dad's t-shirt. That one's got my hubby's name written all over it.