Sunday, December 16, 2007

Lazy Sunday

We are just waiting for the huge snowfall to come and hanging out... ordered pizza.... watching football... doing homework (not that Alli is pleased about that in any way!)... Jeff eating Popsicles and reading me the lame jokes from the sticks (slow down, ladies, he is ALL mine, lol!)....just relaxing!

Here are some shots of Mo just hanging. Thanks for the PITT outfit, Miss Carol! My dad will be sooooo pleased!!!!!

(He is still just so happy even with the itchy itchy itchy rash... we feel so sorry for him, and so hope for answers tomorrow! It is just not clearing in any way!)

This one just cracked me up... extreme close up!

The reason why I am drooling today is... drum roll please....

MY TOOTH - see it on top? Cool!


Cameo said...

I LOVE the extreme close up pic! How cute. Oh, and I read (and crack up) at the jokes on Laffy Taffy.

Anonymous said...

Even with the rash, he looks so happy! He's blessed to have found such a loving family. Did daddy shared his popsicle with Mario to make his tooth feel better?
I hope you get an answer on the rash very soon.


Gail said...

Well, look at that tooth!! Way to go Mario.
Hope you find out what the spots are soon even though he is still cute with them.

Ruthanne said...

Oh my gosh!! Poor little guy. I hope you find out soon what the rash is.

Cool tooth!!

OggieMamma said...

Bless his heart...and bless your hearts, too. He's adorable, though, guys - your little miracle boy. And Alli? What a beautiful young woman she is. Thanks to your mom for keeping us updated!

jajbs said...

He is so cute!!! That smile is ADORABLE!!! Praying you get answers SOON!


Bee said...

What a cute kid! Spots and all, he's wonderful. And Happy Birthday to Jeff.