Well, we made it to the dermatologist yesterday. Great office, great docs. Still no definitive answer. We will know for sure Monday. They put him on an anti-viral and told us to not take him anywhere or have anyone in for a week, or until the results are read. AHHH! We do not feel normal staying in all of the time! lol! They had all of the doctors and medical students in looking at him... he was smiling at them! They kept saying to shut the door as not to infect the waiting room - WHAT! He has been on a plane, at the airport and all over us! hee hee! Oh, well! They are thinking that maybe it is chicken pox, although it is primarily on his face, hands and legs. Also, no fever and it being there for 2+ weeks indicates maybe not, so who knows! AHHHHHH!
He is such a trooper. He is just smiling and laughing. They had to take several "cuttings" of skin, and he only cried a little bit! With all of this going on, he is so pleasant! I cannot believe it!
The dog and Mario are making progress, too. He is still sitting RIGHT beside him on the floor, but not licking him quite as much.
We are doing well. We are feeling more settled in, but sure would like to get out with him a little.
We will post on Monday regarding the diagnosis. Hopefully then the rash will be a bit clearer and I will post some pics!
And now to brag a bit about Alli (you don't mind do, ya?)! She went to a junior high basketball game with my friend (thanks Jenn for EVERYTHING!) yesterday after school while we had the doc appointment. She was to sing the National Anthem for the first time Ever. There was no mic.... so instead she stood in the MIDDLE of the COURT and sang it! I would NEVER do that! How BRAVE is my child????? I was so proud of her, but I am sad that I missed it!!!! She is currently doing community service decorating for an elderly highrise! What a great Kid *swell with pride*!!!!!!
Tips for the best relationships
6 months ago
You have every right to swell with pride. I cannot imagine singing in front of a crowd of people like that either.
Looking forward to hearing good news about Mario's rash on Monday.
Wow, yeh, for Alli, what an amazing girl!!! :)
Hope the Doc's figure out poor little Mario's rash and he gets to feeling better soon!!!
Enjoy your time at home together!!
He knows he's home, so even with spots on his face, he's a happy boy.
And I like it when you brag about Alli. I'm a mama to a daughter, too, so I understand comletely. As much as I love her, I know that my girl could never have stood up and sung the National Anthem in front of anybody, much less at a basketball game without a mike! I may brag about Alli, myself!!!
GREAT job Alli!!!
Poor little guy..I hop ehe feels better soon :(
That sucks you have to stay in and no one can come visit... poor you guys :(
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