We started him with stage one. That is what you do with most kids, right? We did not know then how many bottles he needed. How much food is too much. We started with the one food at a time approach, but then giggled thinking that we would not really know if he HAD a food allergy with the rash he already HAS! :-)
So off we went to stage 2. More food. Still not sure on the amount of bottles needed. This kid has no interest in the sippy cup. Tried biter biscuits, apple wheel thingys, puffs.... no dice. I put a puff in there, he gaged, vomited, looked at me like I was trying to kill him... we packed it in and called it a day.
My questions are: He is 9 and a half months... what in the heck SHOULD I be feeding him? How often? Is there a website that tells me stuff?
People keep telling me: He'll eat when he is hungry... yeah, but I have to provide the food and I have no idea what I am doing! Don't tell Mario, though!

*On the medical front... the dots are still there. Same same same... went for the repeat blood work Monday... stuck twice, no go. I took him yesterday again - one stick, got it! Woo hoo. We had to do a urine sample at home... I know TMI. Have you ever tried to use the "U Bag" for a sample... let's just say that you have to be smarter then the package (no pun intended). Jeff was so thrilled when he figured out how to get the pee into the cup from the bag... sad that this is our daily triumph! Oh, I know that you are all just so jealous of our glamorous life! lol!
Jill- I was really lucky because Bryant has never been a fussy eater. I looked in his baby book (just now) and at 9 months he was still nursing and eating baby cereal. He loved cherios but we weren't giving him much "baby food" yet... mostly because didn't seem to need much beyond the milk.
Sorry I can't be of that much help.
You are too much! Auri/Elvia eats everything! Her favorite they told me was whole grapes and hotdogs...okay that's a no no in the US for toddlers. She is 17 mos but she ate everything....and I mean everything and more, plus they had her on 4 bottles a day of 4 scoops of formula and two scoops of cereal. Banannas are a big thing in Guatemala Auri/Elvia ate a few of those a day so Mario may like to eat those! They eat a lot of eggs there too so maybe you could try some scrambled eggs but best you check with the other mommas if you should be feeding a 9 month old that!!!
OK, this may be long!! Analise is 10 mths. so her and Mario are pretty close in age.
Our foster mother was still giving her 6 oz every three hours and told us she didn't like to eat much. She was right. She didn't eat because she was so full on her formula.
Here is our current schedule:
We started with Stage 2 fruits. They were sweet and she really liked it. She usually eats the whole thing. We now give Stage 3 fruits. She also has cheerios after her fruit. We started by breaking them up in small pieces. We then give her a bottle about an hour later. Just before her nap.
Stage 2 or 3 sweet vegetable. Something like carrots, squash, sweet peas or sweet potatoes. If she is still hungry we give her another fruit.
Snack: Around 3pm
Usually puffs or soft cheese. We broke the puffs into small pieces at first. Now she eats them whole.
Bottle before nap 6 oz.
Dinner: Around 6:45pm
Usually Stage 2 or 3 veggie and fruit. She still won't eat the chunky stage 3 stuff. She gags. We also give her 4 oz of purified water.
10pm - Bottle before bed.
Hey, if you want email me and we exchange phone numbers if you want.
rednite713 at yahoo dot com
LOL! I gave my BFF a bad time because I told her that my kid actually came WITH instructions! Seriously! Our atty's asst told us what V was eating/how often/when/what etc.... at the hogar. I feel bad because a few times I've forgotten to feed her until she got fussy! And I know you're "supposed" to take them off the bottle at a year old, but that's next week, and I'm not ready for her to be off the bottle off yet, so I'm keeping it around for maybe a few more months. Do whatver feels best and what Mario will eat.
Sounds like you are doing great with the eating stuff. Just keep trying. It is sooo frustrating! Marcus was a big gagger with the solid foods. We kept putting puffs and other finger foods on his highchair tray and eventually he picked one up and figure out that he could put it in his mouth. I think we tried about 10 different sippy cups until we found one that he could figure out how to use. Good luck!
Mario looks very happy so you must be doing something right. When you get this feeding thing all figured out write a book. I will need it too.
Brody is 1 and still wants a bottle. refuses a sippy cup. Loves cheerios and bread. and loves baby food. My ped. said start feeding him what you eat but Brody wants the jar baby food. Apple sauce and rice for us. I am not going to worry about it. hey we missed out on the early months so why try to push it..right?? I figure that when they are 12 they wont be eating food out of jars anymore LOL
I miss blogging!!!!!
Too funny!! What do you mean he didn't have instructions!! AND VEAL!!! YUCK... (my opinion only)
When Derek and Cerah were nine months it was:
Cereal with a fruit for breakfast
Veggie for lunch..maybe a fruit.
Veggie and fruit for dinner..
Snacks were...cherrios, puffs, crackers and real fruit cut into small pieces,soft cheese (which Cerah still LOVES,
Bottles were in the am when they got up, before nap, after a snack in the evening and before they went to bed.
GOod luck and I hope he gets better at it...
If he's drinking to much he won't be hungry...
Our youngest granddaughter just turned one. She doesn't like the thicker textures of Stage 3 foods, but if we heat them a little and stir them up good then it breaks it down and makes it a tad smoother. But at 9 months she was still on Stage 2 foods (she didn't have any teeth yet though, poor little "Gummy" bear). I think there's a veal baby food, though. Or there used to be anyhow. Tamale? Probably not! But it could just be that Little Mr. Mario wants something with more flavor than baby foods contain. Would it be awful of me to suggest adding a little salt or butter to the goo? I mean, to that delicious, nutritious, yummy baby food!
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