Then the tables turned as my son's "skills" improved (we joke it is either due to the steroid cream or the fact that all he has done socially has been going to b-ball games - it must be from watching the "hoops"). He began to crawl...quickly. Very quickly. Much to Murry the dog's dismay. He did not just start to crawl, he crawled with a vengeance. He crawls while sucking in his lip and with a glint in his eye. He crawls with a singular purpose - to get that DOG!

You can RUN, but you can't HIDE - DOG.

I found you, DOG.
I didn't do anything, it was that stupid, stupid, DOG.
Even when mom is trying to take my picture, I am trying to get at that darn DOG.
One way, or another, I'm gonna find ya', I'm gonna gitcha gitcha gitcha gitcha - DOG.

Who, Me? I am WAAAAYYY too cute to torment anyone.
See, the dog is right over there - I am leaving him alone.
Here are my stitches from my 2nd biopsy - mom can't be mad at me, I am wounded.
Here is one for Rose... the Screaming Guatemalan Pic. They must all just scream in a high pitched way for no apparent reason! :-) Don't you love his Alfred E Newman teeth?

OMG Jill- I think he gets cuter every time you post new pictures. I love your description of him chasing after the dog. Go Mario!
Way to go, Mario!! Don't let that dog get the better of you.
I just love everything about him! Poor Murray is probably having a heck of a time trying to figure out what happened!
For Murray's eyes waiting for the magic signal...I will get my Mom to come break you out. I live the good life over here on Parker Road...I have the run of the house, eat whatever I want and sleep where ever I want.
My kids are big, so I hardly ever get picked on. That baby at your doghouse is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute that nobody will ever believe that he is tormenting you!
You have such a beautiful child! I know, I know, you aren't supposed to use beautiful to describe a boy, but he IS! And I've had one of those stupid "straw" type biopsy's too, I never would have thought to describe it that way though. Thanks! Our two cats still stay the heck away from Valentina. I'm sure she thinks there aren't any pets in the house.
He is so adorable - dog chasing and all;)
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