Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Local Celebrity

"Mom, please, put that camera away."

"Well, maybe just ONE shot."

"Okay, just get my good side."

"How about an action shot?"

"I could get used to this. The camera loves me."

"Now enough already. My adoring fans need to want for more."


Kelly said...

Love the outfit. What a cutie!!!

Anonymous said...

I am loving it. You are hysterical, and mom, you're not bad yourself!! LOL


Jenny said...

Super hot celebrity! I love the outfit.

Gail said...

I think Mario loves the camera as much as it loves him. Very cute pictures!

Janice said...

I can actually feel my heart light up when I see that adorable smile !!!


Crystal said...

Jill--hiya--I am catching up here and I am blown away at the similarities that you and your hubby have --That is just crazy and so incredible!! That is amazing!! I LOVE these pics of Mario he is such a handsome little guy!!! ((((HUGS))) to you and your little guy!!!

Crystal said...

Jill--hiya--I am catching up here and I am blown away at the similarities that you and your hubby have --That is just crazy and so incredible!! That is amazing!! I LOVE these pics of Mario he is such a handsome little guy!!! ((((HUGS))) to you and your little guy!!!

jajbs said...

He is precious! Love that adorable smile!!!!!


junglemama said...

Those eyes can melt any heart! How precious!

Steph said...

Oh my gosh!! He is so adorable!!! CUTE!!!

Anonymous said...

The shirt is perfect!!
He is a celebrity here in Sarver!!
Linda H.