Oh, seriously... what would we do without these things. Mario eats them when he is not feeding them to the dog. He loves the Exersaucer, I think mainly because that is when he gets Puffs. Murry, the dog, will come over and Mo feeds him some occasionally. Today, I see Mario doing the most disgusting thing ... he was letting the dog LICK the puff, then Mario would eat it! YUCK. Don't even tell me that dog's mouths are cleaner than humans. I am so not making out with a dog to find out. Eww.
Jeff and I are strange, so of course we started singing (as if we were the dog) to the tune of My Humps... "Mo, whatchu gonna do with all those Puffs, all those Puffs? " "My Puffs, My Puffs, My Lovely Gerber Puffs!" Seriously, were are deranged.
Allie had dress rehearsal last night for the play. I stayed and did hair and make up. Boy, I walked in there feeling kind of in a funk. Those 7th and 8th grader's energy is contagious. To see them so excited rubbed off onto me!
The first performance was this afternoon for the students. Jeff's parents drove the 2 hours to see her! She was so thrilled, and so were we. I stayed with Mario who sometimes squeals VERY loudly, which will be great for her volleyball and softball games, but for a play, not so much. Jeff said she did really well! It is cute, their school janitor writes a play with his wife every year and directs the kids! Wow, to have that talent. She was not going to try out, but I nudged her, and she truly loves it. I was so glad. She is already talking about next year! She has performances Thursday & Friday with the cast party following. Balancing softball, volleyball and play was not ideal, so she will be glad to have something off of her plate. I used to say, I will never overschedule my child, but here she was OVERLYscheduled. Oh, well!
Mario is doing funny things lately. He is still not walking, but I think he is just messing with me. He will stand for a few seconds, then catch himself and sit down really fast. Soon enough, I will be complaining about chasing him! He is eating more things now... yogurt, ravioli, noodles, grilled cheese (Thanks, Andrea.. well, thanks K for suggesting it) .. he loves that grilled cheese! He plays pat-a- cake and claps when you say "Yay!" He will close his eyes tightly after you do it which truly entertains Allie... she says. "that is so cool that he does what I do"... I tell her to remember that... he is ALWAYS watching and listening!
I will have pictures from the play that I will post this weekend, I hope. I am such a bad blogger with all of the running around, but I will try! Thanks for checking in!
My puffs, my puffs
My puffs, my puffs
You are hysterical!!!
My girls are 8...and still love the puffs! We no longer buy them as the boys are three but anytime we are around a child with them...all four of my children want them!
So now I totally have that song stuck in my head!'
I had never seen the puffs until Bryant's baseball game last week. A mom was feeding those to her little 9 month old. I tried one... and well... honestly, I almost gagged... but the kids all thought they were good.
Congratulations Allie. Way to go girl.
I think your version is going to skyrocket to #1 on the charts:) Can't wait to see the pictures from the play...I think Allie is broadway bound!
Thanks alot now I've got your deranged song stuck in my head!Mo is sooo cute, he'll be walking soon enough! Cannot wait to see pics of the play!
I'd like to see the video for this #1 hit!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great weekend...busy just like ours:)
Great-it's 8:00 in the morning, and I am singing that song...the Puffs version. THANKS! That is too funny, though.
Oh, and last night, K. dipped his water bottle into the dogs water and tried to drink it. *gag* He was M.A.D that I took it away from him, too. Ugh.
Yes, grilled cheese rules in our house still. May have to try some ravioli, though-he might like that. He loves spaghetti sauce. Oh and lemons. Kid LOVES lemons.
Have a great weekend!
Valentina has recently discovered the wonders of grilled cheese. Try putting garlic salt on the bread before you grill it... YUM!!!! My fave! I had one Friday and boy, before I even sat down I had two, little vultures after me. I think I may have eaten HALF of the sandwich, at the most. They got the rest of it.
We love Gerber PUFFS! You know they call them baby crack on the Guatadopt discussion board! I'm so glad you nudged Alli into trying out for the play. Some of my fondest memories of high school and before are while I was in a theatre production!
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