Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Birthday Monday - Tuesday!

The last of her b-day pics until her party in June!.... As I said, Allie's birthday goes on and on... and she is just THRILLED about all of the attention! We really are so blessed to have such a GREAT family who love our kids as much as we do.

Two people who are happy to give our kids attention are Jeff's parents! Not only did they come bearing gifts for Allison on Monday, they also came both Monday AND Tuesday to get our yard ready for planting. We are SO grateful and fortunate to have them since they know so much about landscaping and really seem to enjoy it. They have been such an enormous help in the past 7 years of living in this house! Thanks, guys!

Driveway shot... It is FINISHED!!!!!! Woo hoo! We love it... Jeff's folks were a HUGE help in planning it. I had no idea so much went into paving a driveway, so we were lucky to have them here! You can see Jeff's dad & mom waaaaay at the bottom!
Jeff's parents greeting their friends - the topsoil delivery man!

Neither of them need to be convinced too much to take a break a play with their favorite little guy!
Grandma Lesko and Shoeless Joe

"I love her, can I keep her, mommy?"
"See ya, mom, we are goin on an adventure!"
"Are you coming, Grandpa?"
(you can see the great grass they planted before... and the landscaping we need to finish)

Allie Ballie opening her gifts... a gift card... more shopping!
Murry helping open her earrings & shirt - great gifts! She loved everything!

Mario wondering when it will be HIS birthday again because he LOVES cake!

Allie blowing out her candles, then off to her cold, cold softball game... they won 11-1! She did REALLY well, too! Go Jackets!

Thank you EVERYONE who made her birthday such a special one!!!!!!!!!!!!


JuJu - said...

Your in-laws sound like super-DEE duper helpers:) I know you must love having them around so much:)

I am now craving chocolate cake thanks to the last pictures - thanks JILL!

I will not cave, I will not cave, I will not cave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you guys!
You ARE coming to MB...RIGHT??????

Andrea said...

Yea, no doubt! I don't like cake, but that picture makes me think twice. I love the song on your playlist, too. Making me smile.

What a great driveway! You could have a dance on it! Wow. Looks like a great job!!

Trina G. said...

That driveway looks like a racetrack! Mario is going to have a blast riding his trike on that someday.

what a great birthday for Allie. She deserves it!

Sissy always makes my birthday week special too. She's the best!